Saturday, April 9, 2011

Responsibilities of An Apostle by Paul Thornton

Responsibilities of An Apostle

(by Paul Thornton)

1. Most apostles do not start out as apostles. The initial characteristic of the apostolic call is first and foremost is that they are a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. Every thing they preach and teach is based upon the revealed truth in scriptures – I Timothy 2:7. Most apostles start out in other areas of ministry first and then once they are proven in that area, if the apostolic call is upon them, then God moves them into that level of ministry.

2. II Timothy 2:1-2 – Apostles train and equip faithful men who in turn train and equip others. The Apostles heart is to see people grow and function in their callings.

3. II Timothy 1:6 - An Apostle is able to activate, stir up, and release the gifting in peoples’ lives. An Apostle is able to impart the grace and anointing needed for someone to walk in his or her calling. He is able to release gifts and ministries within a believer in order to set them on course for their own ministry. An Apostle is able to impart what is lacking so the believer can rise to full maturity.

4. I Timothy 4:14 – Apostles are spiritual fathers. As fathers they birth, protect, teach, and mentor sons. An Apostle has the ability to attract sons he can reproduce himself in through apostolic impartation. An apostle is able to help people grow into their full potentials in Christ. Impartation – the ability to plant in a seed form in the spirit of others what the apostle possesses in his life, call, and ministry. With the impartation comes multiplication of the apostle’s ministry. The sons he is training are reproducing his work. He is extending himself through them. So now his ministry goes to more places and touches more lives even though he is not there himself.

5. The Apostles that we see in scripture laid the foundation of Kingdom principles that we now have. Modern day Apostles do not write scripture or expand on the scripture that is written. They build upon the foundation that has already been laid in Christ. The Apostle promotes Christ as the firm foundation for life. Apostles lay foundation in the lives of God’s people, in order to prepare them for the coming moves of God.

6. Apostles are people of character – Phillipians 3:8-10; Paul aspired to be like the Lord Jesus that he had encountered on the Damascus Road. He desired this not only for himself but for all those who were under his apostolic oversight – Galatians 4:19. He had a passion to see Christ formed and reproduced into his spiritual sons.

7. Apostles have received the grace to suffer for Christ – Acts 9:15-16; Acts 20:17- 24. Paul recognized that suffering and affliction went along with the call and he was willing so that the Word of God would multiply in the lives of others. Along with the suffering comes the wisdom and stamina to deal with it.

8. Apostles have access to revelations and the unfolding of mysteries – Galatians 1:11-12. This is how Paul received his calling and was able to write 2/3 of the New Testament. The apostles were give the revelation of the hidden mysteries concerning the believers in Christ and Christ in the believers. Apostles were able to bring understanding of O.T. Scriptures and interpret them for relevance of their

day. Ie Acts 2:14-21 – Peter took the O.T. prophecy by Joel and was able to bring understanding and revelation to that day. Apostles are able to bring insight to the Body of Christ concerning the purposes and plans of God.

9. Apostolic ministry doesn’t just affect the local church but it affects cities, regions, and nations. Paul’s ministry affected city after city. Signs and wonders followed in each city. Acts 19:8-12. Not only does the apostolic affect the people in a city or region but also the Spirits that govern that area. An apostle who is sent to a city has governmental authority in that city in the spirit over those demons there. The apostolic anointing can free up a city, region or nation from demonic strongholds.

10. Apostles bring order and government to the Church. Government is necessary to facilitate the flow of God’s power and anointing. Titus 1:5.

11. Apostles are wise master builders. They help to build strong churches. The are responsible for overseeing the building and construction of the house of God.

12. Apostles bring judgment and correction to the Church. They issue sentences and verdicts against false teaching and incorrect behavior. I Corinthians 5:1-5.

13. Apostles are bishops. To be a bishop means to oversee. Apostles oversee churches.

14. Apostles ordain and set in place qualified leadership. This includes selection and confirmation.

15. The apostolic anointing is a confrontational anointing. Apostles confront false teaching, witchcraft, immorality and anything that will keep the church from fulfilling its purpose.