Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Kingdom Of God Will Reign Forever!!!

The Kingdom Of God Will Reign Forever!!!

My Kingdom will come and My will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Though the enemy rail against all that is Mine I will have the last word for I am Lord of all. Stand strong and do not be deterred. His work of evil is only for a little while and then his demise will come and he will be in the lake of fire forever. Fear not that which is able to kill the body but fear only Me. Stand strong in adversity, strong in change and allow Me to be formed in you. I am taking the kingdoms of this world and bringing them down.

The kingdoms of darkness will fall. Rejoice that the Kingdom of God will reign forever. You are a people that have been chosen to rule and reign with Me. Your training now will determine what place of authority you hold in eternity. The Kingdoms of this world will come down and My kingdom will be ushered in shortly. Fear not that which must first come to pass for when dying grace is needed it shall be there if necessary. I have given you strength and grace for this hour and the gates of hell will not prevail against you. In this world you will have tribulations and many difficulties but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. I stood against all obstacles and death could not hold me for I rose again and you too will rise again in the power of My Spirit and the dead in Christ will rise.

Glory only in Me! Glory only in that which I do! See the works and the greater works that will soon come forth. There shall be healing in My name. There is power in My name. There is victory in My name. There is authority in the name of Jesus over all power of the enemy and nothing shall in any means hurt you. Do you not yet know the power in My name? Do you not yet know that there is great victory through Christ? Do you not yet truly know Me children of God?

If you knew Me you would do so much more in My name! I left you the authority to bind and loose and most do not do so and even speak against doing so. You have authority to tear down kingdoms and declare and decree a thing and there is great power in My word being spoken into the earth. My apostles, my prophets, my intercessors need to take My word study it and send it like a sharp arrow where I show you to send it. Pray for those in authority over you. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of your countries. Pray for the salvation of loved ones, pray! pray! pray!

Now is the day of your salvation! Now is your victory! Now is your faith being activated! Now is the time for the restoration of all things! Now is the time to walk in faith for it is the victory that overcomes the world. Even your faith will stand the test in this hour. You do not see the deposits within you. When the fire touches you your faith will be activated.

Do not murmur and do not complain but be true worshipers that worship me in spirit and truth. Such power will come through worship and praise and entering into the secret place. Fear not but ask me to send in My angels to strengthen and help you with your Kingdom assignments. All for the glory of God. Rejoice this day and do not save your praise for another day. Now is the time to Praise Me for I am Lord.

Persecuted For Righteousness

Persecuted For Righteousness

The enemy has planned to sift you as wheat but know that I have allowed it. All that will be left will be pure gold for the Kingdom of God. Fear not but take hold of My word and run with it. Do not fear what the foe can do but fear only Me. In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. I have seen your tears and know the battles you are going through. Trust that I see all things. I have seen the working of the enemy through those closest to you. I have seen the hand raised against you but know that one day they will bow before Me and they shall give an account for that which they have done. See that I am going to be glorified in this situation and that all things work together for good for you because you love Me. If you were of this world they would love you but because you are not of this world they hate you.

Trust that you are being purified and set apart for my purposes and Kingdom purposes will prevail. The gates of hell shall not prevail against you. Trust Me and rise up and praise My Holy name for I am indeed working and the separation is taking place. It is painful but necessary for you to fulfill the Kingdom plans I have for you. Fear not but know that a house divided against itself cannot stand. I am working I am molding and I will intervene says the Lord. Fear not but rise up and go forward this day confident in Me for I the Lord am moving in your midst. That which God has joined together let not man put asunder. Honour Me and I will honour you, says the Lord.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

New Relationships For Kingdom Purposes

New Relationships For Kingdom Purposes

God is doing a separating and there are those that have been in your life for a season and longer that the Lord will remove. He is cleaning house as there are those that will hinder your moving forward in God. The Lord is saying, in My love for you I am helping you to clean house. There are those that will be removed so that new life might be brought in and used to strengthen you. Dead wood is being removed! Those that have hindered your walk are being removed! God is saying it is time and He has been wanting to do this housecleaning for awhile but in His love for you He has waited for you to be ready.

Now He sees that you have matured and He is putting His finger on those friendships that are of no Kingdom value. He is building His Kingdom and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Fear not that which He is doing but praise Him and trust that as He removes certain friendships/relationships, new ones will be established for His purposes. These friendships will be God ordained and bring fruit that will remain. Trust in the Lord and cooperate with Him as He does the work. It will not be hard but will be done skilfully with the surgeon's scalpel and the pain will be very minimal as you yield to Him. Seek the will of God and continue to press in, says the Lord.

17A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17

Now Is The Time!!!

Now Is The Time!!!

Now is the time to plough and now is the time to bring in the harvest! The day is coming when no man can work. Now is the day of your salvation. Now is the day for your loved ones to be saved! Now is the time for My will to be done in the earth. Now is the time! Now is the time for your faith to be released and to touch others! Now is the day for My glory to be seen in you! Now is the time for you to no longer put off that which you can do today. Now is the time to read my word! Now is the time to pray! This is a NOW TIME for you to do all you can for the purposes of the Kingdom. The kingdom of God is now! Do not delay but do the works of your Father in heaven.

Now is the time for you to praise Me. Now is the time to pay off your debts! Now is the time to love your neighbor! Now is the time to love those that are unlovely. Now is the time to love those of like precious faith. Now is the time to do My works! This is a NOW time for faith to be released in new measure. Now is the time to drink from My Word! Now is the time to see the river flowing and jump in and do that which you have been called to do! Get your battle instructions at My feet and then carry them out exactly as you have been given them. Confirm things in the mouth of two or three witnesses. Stand Now! Faith NOW activated will bring in the harvest. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. This is a NOW moment for you. Act Now!!!

13Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: Col. 1:13

Are Your Senses Being Assaulted?

Are Your Senses Being Assaulted?

The enemy is trying to assault your senses with many distractions. He is trying to wear you out and distract you from My purposes. Set the standard, watch and pray and do not allow yourself to be distracted. Many little distractions are warring and you must be on high alert. When the enemy cannot come in one way he tries another and often it is through the back door. Have you spiritual antennae on high alert and fill yourself with My Word. Pray. Pray. Pray and be diligent in taking time with Me. The hour is late and time is short and you will soon be required to do that work of God with increased onslaught of the foe.

Now is the time to be fortified in the Word and spend time with Me that in the evil day you will stand. The earth is filled with darkness and gross darkness is almost on the face of the earth so turn to Me and stand strong in the Lord your God. Little things tend to distract you so see the bigger picture of what is going on and discern the time that you are in. Little things become mundane in light of the bigger picture in the body of Christ. See the big picture of what I am doing and keep your eyes on Me. Discern! discern! discern what the Spirit of God is saying to His church! My prophets are warning in this season. Warnings are going forth to repent of sin! It is time for My body to repent of sin and leave the world behind!!!

The world will never satisfy a true child of God! Only the things of Christ satisfy. Fill yourself with My presence and the things of this world will become nothing and only used for My Kingdom purposes. See through the eyes of the Spirit what I am saying to the church. Arise, prepare, be alert and diligent for the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom He may devour and do not let him devour you. Stand guard for your nations, families and for the church and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of those that have yet to come into the Kingdom.

Pray, My Kingdom come and My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. KJV

4For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4 (NKJV)