Monday, May 23, 2011

Word Of The Lord For The United States Of America

Word Of The Lord

For The United States Of America

Today's prophets are speaking out as they did in the days of Amos. We are not in the days of King Uzziah but the days of President Obama, President of the United States of America. We need to hear the Word of the Lord from the genuine mouthpieces that are declaring the truth. Now is the time for the leadership in the United States of America to turn to God with their whole heart. God is speaking and saying, if you who lead the nation of America will call a solemn fast and begin to pray for your nation to repent on a national scale America will be spared.

If on the other hand you continue to rend Israel and come against God's chosen people as you divide Israel so shall your own Nation be divided. You cannot have it both ways. You will either bow down and serve Me and love the apple of My eye or you will be utterly thrown down and in the end destroyed. I am indeed speaking through My servants the prophets and declaring a Word in season.

Those of you that are weary, come to Me in repentance and I will hold you, and I will forgive your sins. They are many and have come up before Me. I am calling you to repentance and calling you to be an example to the Nations of the earth. You have many that are praying and calling on Me for change. Faith filled lips have been praying and interceding but there needs to be prayer on a national scale to spare your nation. Darkness is on the face of the land. Sin is rampant in the church and in the world. The government is seeking to deceive many and these truths will be revealed as My people pray and seek My face. I will speak and those that will hear Me, will hear Me and see change in their lives.

Families need Me, your whole nation will be spared as you call on My name in a large scale. As Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, so I will destroy nations of the earth that will destroy My people Israel. Take heed, and do not destroy her by trying to divide her but read the Word of the Lord. Read My Word and know that it is truth and honor the boundaries set in it. Then as you serve Me you will prosper, says the Lord. but if you bow to other Gods you will be destroyed. Forsake other Gods, break up your follow ground and I will honor you, says the Lord.

May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

Patricia Hamel

Pray For Joplin, Missouri


Pray For Joplin, Missouri

Our hearts go out to the people of Joplin, Missouri. Let us keep them in our prayers during the difficult days ahead.

Last night as I heard of the tornado in Joplin, Missouri and prayed for the people, it also came to me about President Obama's meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his pressure on him to put back the lines to 1967. Two days earlier on the 18th the Lord gave me a word for the USA and a lot of it was about dividing Israel. God is making this clear through many. On May 20, 2011 Billye Brim put out a prayer alert to this effect and I am sure others have put out warnings as well.

There was the voice of a woman saying," Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Heavenly Father" that could be heard above those hiding in a store freezer during this tornado. She knew who to call on in the time of storm, calling on the name of Jesus. This speaks volumes of where our hearts need to be not just during crisis, but daily.

Do you ask the Father to order your steps each day? This is something we all need to do. We need to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling. This woman did not know she would be called on last night to be a witness in the storm and devastation but clearly she was ready.

We need to pray Psalm 91 for protection and get it into our spirits. He is our front end and rear guard. We need to trust in Father and put our lives in His hands. We have assurance of life for the moment we are in and not more. Let us walk a repent walk and be ready at all times to meet our maker.

Let us continue to pray and intercede for the Lord to have mercy.

For whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13