Friday, December 4, 2009

Call Forth A Divine Change In The Earth!


This is a time of reformation in My church. I am doing a work in My body and all that can be shaken will be shaken. I am calling My apostles and prophets into place as the foundation stones in the church. I Jesus Christ am the chief cornerstone!!! Things will come to life as you SPEAK, DECLARE AND DECREE My Word in the earth. You need to call things that are not, forth as though they are and see it happen before your very eyes. As you speak healing you shall see healing. I am calling forth, for My Word to be declared in the earth. DECLARE My Word!!! Call forth things from heaven into the earth. Call forth the Kingdom of God and it shall be ushered in. Call into being those things that are not in My people's lives. Call forth change! Call forth the prophetic decree and see My apostles and prophets declare a thing accurately. I am going to reform My church. It will not stay the same but I will shake it and make it what I have called it to be. I am bringing forth that remnant and you will be called My bright and shining ones. My glory will be seen in you throughout the earth! You will take My Word and preach it and great signs and wonders will follow your ministries. Clean up your lives and you will see transformation. As holiness comes forth so shall the works of God be manifest in you. Call forth My Word and see Nations changed. You are the foundation stones and you need to come to life. Arise and shine and My glory will be made manifest in the earth. The glory will be seen as the waters covered the sea. Transformation! Reformation! Divine change in the earth is being called forth in this hour. Shake the Kingdoms of this world and usher in My Kingdom. Shake. Shake. Shake. All that can be shaken will be shaken in My love for My precious bride. She is being called forth. She is beginning to awaken. The slumber is being wiped from her eyes and she is beginning to see Me. When she truly sees me she will awaken for when she truly beholds me she will sacrifice all for Me and if need be die for Me. Her love for her bridegroom will be ignited like fire. Passion and holiness will fill her heart. There will room for nothing else and she will cry out to me. Come Lord Jesus!!! She will declare the Word and I will come as she calls on Me I will answer Her for behold I do a new thing and I am preparing you for My return and I will set up My Kingdom in the earth and so shall you ever be with the Lord!!!

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Ephesians 2:20