Sunday, June 19, 2011

Divinely Positioned To Receive?

Divinely Positioned to Receive

Are you divinely position to receive?  Often we wonder why we are not receiving God's promises in our lives and others seem to have all the blessings.  We need to take time with Father and see if we are doing that which the Lord would have us to do.  Are we walking in obedience to His Word in accordance to God's government?  Are we doing the best of our ability to win that husband or wife to the Lord?  Submitting to one another in the fear of God. Are we loving as Jesus loved and putting the Kingdom of God before all else in our lives? Doing these things will position us where are able to receive from the Lord.  

In His Kingdom are exceeding great and precious promises and we are to appropriate them by faith, stand on them, and claim them as ours, for they were paid for in full by the blood of Jesus.  We are to walk in His fullness and out of it give to others. 

Lately I have seen much rebellion from one in the body of Christ.  Over years they have fed into this spirit and the jezebel spirit is manifesting as is the spirit of anti Christ.   They had and still do have such potential in Christ but the death of self needs to come and they need deliverance from these spirits. Sincere repentance is need in their life. The more one feeds on rebellion the more they will be taken over by the enemy.  Doors need to be shut, and repentance needs to come for this one to truly be restored to their rightful place in Christ.  You see beloved, we can toy too long with sin and sooner or later it will bite.  We cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of devils. Only in taking up our cross and following Him will we find true happiness.  

Kingdom living means being seated in Heavenly Places in Christ and by faith appropriating ALL that this means.  We cannot sit there and dangle our toes in the world and think we will receive from the Lord.  Sin only looks good for a season and so are its pleasures.  If you have come short of the glory of God, repent and He will forgive you your sin.  Decide once and for all to come out of the world and walk faithfully with Father each day.  If you repent of your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive you from your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 

Position yourself with a listening ear to Father and let Him show you where you are at today.  Then you will be Divinely positioned to receive all that the Lord has for you.  His exceeding great and precious promises are yours by faith so reach out to Him today and receive. The Kingdom of God and His government is one of Divine order.  Let Father restructure your life today. Open your eyes and see that the Kingdom of God is within you.  32And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?  Luke 24:32