Saturday, April 22, 2017

This very serious prophetic word was sent to me to be sent to the body of Christ.  Patricia Hamel

An Urgent Message to the Nation
by Jacques Malan

 Today and during my quite time the Holy Spirit revealed the current (the now) plans of the enemy. As many of you might already have experienced there is a massive attack on RELATIONSHIPS.

You will suddenly find that there is shortness of temper, irritations and misunderstandings between people. Between husband and wife, between parents and children, between members of the body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit said it is the enemies' strategy to now break up relationships and  friendships using ANY reason he can find. Even small things will trigger strong and negative responses.

"BE AWARE of this", He warned! The devil now wants relationships to fail as these are the platforms of light and love, our places of hope and strength in each other.

So when you communicate with another, and the response is harsh, FOCUS, - wait a few seconds and then respond IN LOVE!!

THAT would be the winning blow, overcoming and reigning in that situation. We need to start to see Him in others, watch our words and sow love.

An urgent message to the nation.
Jacques Malan