Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Relationships For Kingdom Purposes

New Relationships For Kingdom Purposes

God is doing a separating and there are those that have been in your life for a season and longer that the Lord will remove. He is cleaning house as there are those that will hinder your moving forward in God. The Lord is saying, in My love for you I am helping you to clean house. There are those that will be removed so that new life might be brought in and used to strengthen you. Dead wood is being removed! Those that have hindered your walk are being removed! God is saying it is time and He has been wanting to do this housecleaning for awhile but in His love for you He has waited for you to be ready.

Now He sees that you have matured and He is putting His finger on those friendships that are of no Kingdom value. He is building His Kingdom and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Fear not that which He is doing but praise Him and trust that as He removes certain friendships/relationships, new ones will be established for His purposes. These friendships will be God ordained and bring fruit that will remain. Trust in the Lord and cooperate with Him as He does the work. It will not be hard but will be done skilfully with the surgeon's scalpel and the pain will be very minimal as you yield to Him. Seek the will of God and continue to press in, says the Lord.

17A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17