Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Torch Has Been Passed On!



Oral Roberts has gone home and the torch has been passed on. As an olympic runner runs so I would have you to run the race. Do not stop but run the race set before you!!! The old guard is going home to their heavenly home and you are being called to arise and step up to the plate. Run for the gold Beloved!!! Run for the gold!!! I am taking you and preparing you for the race of your lifetime. It is one where you will go to the finish line!!! Do not look back but look straight ahead. The starting gate has been opened and you need to run with great zeal! Stop often for refreshing and then step back into the race and move ahead! Do not look to the left or to the right but run the race set before you. Those that run the race drop off those things that are not necessary and you must do likewise. Drop off the cares of this world! Drop off the sin that so easily besets you! Drop off all that hinders your walk with Me.

Take the torch and run with it! The mantle is heavy and I will help you to carry it but you must drop all else that hinders your ability to run. It may be family members that are hindering you. it may be finances! It may be anything that takes you away from Me. You need to run with great diligence now, for you are in the end time and the race is now close to the finish line. Run child run. Run with zeal and in the power of My Spirit you will do great things, says the Lord.

1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV)

The Lord Is Calling YOU!!!


The Lord Is Calling YOU!

I hear the Lord saying, that many of the old guard have gone home. Many were faithful in prayer and intercession and now those places are vacant and need to be filled. The call is going out!!! God is looking for intercessors to stand in the gap and fill these places in His kingdom. Time is short and intercession needs to be going up before the Father.

My hand is moved by the prayers and intercession of My people!!! IT IS TIME to pray and intercede for the Nations! IT IS TIME to be found faithful in your intercession! IT IS TIME to pray for your families! IT IS TIME to pray for those in authority over you that you may live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life. IT IS TIME to intercede and see the hand of God move on your behalf. IT IS TIME to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. IT IS TIME to pray and not be distracted with the cares of this world. IT IS TIME to pray!!! It is not the time to be about your own business but to be busy about mine. IT IS TIME and the call is going out in the land.

Come and take time with Me. I long for you to spend time with Me and desire our fellowship together. Much has kept you from Me and I am a jealous God and jealous over you with Godly jealously. IT IS TIME to pray and seek My face. You have power to bombard the heavens and see answers to your prayers. You have not because you ask not. If you knew the power of one who spends time in the prayer closet you would spend more time there! I am calling all of those that are mine into the prayer closet. This does not seem like an exciting word and will not with many but it is what needs to be said. My people perish because of a lack of knowledge. My people do not hear Me. Many hear about Me but have never gotten to know Me personally.

I am soon returning and many of you think that you will have eternity with Me in heaven when you have not spent but a moment with Me on the earth. This is the time for you to GET TO KNOW ME, from the least to the greatest. Fellowship with Me for I am drawing you by My Spirit. Hunger for Me and thirst for Me and you will be filled. Pray for hunger, pray for thirst and I will fill you, says the Lord.

CALL OUT TO ME and I will answer you! CALL OUT TO ME on behalf of your loved ones and I will save them! CALL OUT TO ME for Divine appointments and I will give them to you. CALL OUT for the lost!!! CALL OUT for the newly saved! CALL OUT for the sick and the dying and for those that need to be delivered. My hand is not shortened that it cannot save.

My eye is going to and fro in the earth and I am looking for intercessors. I am looking into each heart and seeing if I might find a place there to rest and perform My Word. I AM CALLING YOU!!! Beloved I am calling you to dig deeper and do not stop, but be that intercessor. Most do not pray! Most do not intercede! Most are lazy in the Spirit and do not do the will of the Father. I AM CALLING , I AM CALLING I AM CALLING YOU. Beloved stop the things that are not needful and pray. Stop the long hours online that many of you spend there and seek Me. Many of you are so busy in this season. Stop! Stop! Stop and take time with Me. Many of you are so distracted! Many of you spend time in front of a god of this world, the television but you have no time for Me. I am calling you! TAKE TIME WITH ME!!! Take the time while you have the time. The day of great trials and tribulation will come and you will of desired to have had time with Me. You are being called this night. There are those that will go home and they have not spent time with Me. Take time now to search your hearts. Take time and do not fear what I will show you but repent and do your first works. I am a jealous God and I desire you to be like the church of Philadelphia. Their love for Me was good in my sight. Many of your churches are like open graves and there is no love. Many of you do not love your brother. This is a call to intercession. This is call to love one another! When I return will you be found faithful?

I am calling. I am calling. I am calling you to repentance. Come. It is a time of great shaking and it is close to My returning. Will I return and find that you have been found faithful? Will I return and find faith in the earth? You are being called to be that intercessor!!! Will you answer yes to the call? Answer yes to the call because I am calling you and for no other reason, says the Lord.

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30

Pray For The Church In Great Britain

Pray For The Church In Great Britain

I am aligning those that are mine in Great Britain. Right now it seems that the church is taking a direct hit but I the Lord am standing with those that are truly mine. I will never leave or forsake them. There is persecution that has come to the land and it has just begun and will manifest in its fullness against the true believer. Pray for My true church that they will arise and be all I have called them to be. Pray that their faith fail not and that they will strengthen their brethren.

31And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
32But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

(Let us lift up the arms of our brothers and sisters in Great Britain. This is what the Lord gave to me after a believer in Great Britain sharing their heart with me)

A Call To Repentance And Intercession!


The day of the Lord is coming swiftly and every knee will bow before the Lord!!! It is time to bring the lost into My Kingdom. The call is going out, bring them in. Go into your towns and cities and bring in the lost for many are yet to come into the Kingdom of God. This is a time of great darkness and it is a time that is not going to get brighter except for the coming of the Son of Man. I am seeking to save those that are lost and open the prison doors to those that are bound. Go and bring them in! It is time to intercede! It is time for YOU to intercede! Many read about intercession but do not intercede and many of you have been called as intercessors in the house of God. Many of you need to take your place on the wall. YOU are being called to take your place on the wall! Many of you spend more times before your television sets and your computers then you do in intercession! Things will change for you when you change!

You are being called beloved! Hear the call of the Lord! The Spirit of God is saying, that the enemy is at the door. He has invaded your towns and cities and he occupies a large place in your homes. Your governments are full of filth and I have called you to turn your face toward Me for I Am the only one who can change things. Your nations are perverse and your children are being brought up in the ways of the world. Only I can change things and your children will be lost if you do not bend your will and pray for them. Parents it is time to come out of Egypt and your children will follow the Lord. It is time to bend your will and come to Me in openness and honesty and repent of your secret sins and you see that I will save your household. How can you expect your children to do right when you do that which is evil in the eyes of the Lord. I am calling you to repentance America. America I am calling you to repentance on a large scale. Your eyes have been darkened that you do not see. I say to you awaken and I will give you light. Your ears will hear and you will see a Divine turnaround if you seek My face. I am calling the least to the greatest as I did in the days of Jonah. He was called to Nineveh to turn them toward Me. It is time to fast and pray and seek My face and see if I will not do a good and quick work in the land.

December 10, 2009
through Patricia Hamel