Divinely Positioned For Kingdom Purposes
There are those that have not tried to elevate themselves but waited and allowed Me to divinely position them. They have waited on Me for that elevation and not looked for the elevation of man. Mans praise will be short lived, for man is one way today and another tomorrow. My Word is the most sure word of prophecy and is always stable, always the same, yesterday, today and forever. I do not change for I am the Lord. I am watching over those that are mine, My bride, My beloved. I am watching over you with Godly jealousy. I would that you turn to Me fully for all that you need and depend on Me. In the days ahead rely on Me to get you through the tough times. I alone will bring you through to completion. I alone will be your provision. I am always the one that takes care of My bride thought it is often done though others. Be positioned in your heart toward Me, be fully turned toward Me in all things.
Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, though groups are as little as two or there, I am there in your midst. It is not the numbers, man looks for the numbers but I am looking to see Jesus and if I am there in the midst this is the important thing. Look and discern, do I see Jesus here. Do I see the moving of Holy Spirit, are others walking in holiness. It is these that you must fellowship with. Iron sharpens iron and you must fellowship with those that will bring you higher. You are being called higher. I am the Lord and there will soon come an end to that which you have known, eternity will be ushered in and it is time to be busy bringing in the harvest. See the fields for they are white to harvest. Pray them in, go and get them and preach the gospel of the Kingdom to every person that not one might be lost.