Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Who Can Stand At My Coming?

Who Can Stand At My Coming

The kings of the north, the kings of the east and those in power in the earth gather together making their battle plans. They think they are not seen by men and can move slowly forward to take My people Israel but I have news for them, says the Lord. Though they plot in private, and plan to divide the spoils amongst themselves I will return and thwart them with fire from My mouth. Who can stand at My coming. My fire is a refiners fire and it will destroy all those that come against My people. The battle plans amongst the kings of the earth are taking shape but I say to you lift up your head for your redemption draws ever near. Now is the time to come ever close to Me. Now is the time to put your head on My breast. Now is the time to repent of your sin and come back to Me and let Me be your first love. Now is the time to serve Me wholeheartedly and pray for the souls of men to be brought into the Kingdom.

Soon the time will end and the doors of opportunity will close and one day they shall knock at the door and I will say, depart from Me, I never knew you. Yes, the battle plans are arising, even in the United States of America they seek to bring in the NWO. I have news for them. I will thwart the plans of the enemy and though they be for time, time and half a time, they will come down. Their Kingdoms will come down and My Kingdom will reign forever. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of man will clash more and more as you see the day approaching. As you see the black horse arise, as you see the wars and rumors of wars, as you see men fighting and battling for the riches of this world, come ever closer to Me and stay in the secret place.

Be reinforced in My Word in this hour. Feed on it, drink from it, taste and see that I am good and not willing that one soul should perish. Do My Word, honour those in authority over you and declare the Word of the Lord. The hour is late the storm clouds are here and it is time to discern the times and the seasons. Discern, see with the eyes of the Spirit for indeed the hour is late and many souls hang in the balance. Pray them in. Support them as they grow and share your Godly wisdom with those that are without redeeming the time for the days are evil. The gulf of Mexico will indeed turn into a powder keg that no man will stop and only I can fix this problem. Look to Me with prayers of repentance and see if I will have mercy on you.