Monday, June 22, 2009


through Patricia Hamel

This will be your finest hour as you arise and stand on behalf of
Israel. Yes, my people you need to arise to the occasion and stand
in the gap on her behalf. I am calling you to intercession on a
large scale. As My people were called when Haman was going to
destroy the Jews so again the Spirit of Haman has arisen and has
a plan to destroy My people.

The enemy is heating up the oven hotter and has one with that
same spirit, who is planning to anniahiliate My people. I say
to you that I have a plan that was ordained before the
foundation of the world. There is a plan of deliverance for
My people. They shall be delivered by My strong right arm.

Yes, there shall be a great battle and the signs of it are
quickly arising but I say to you that My people shall not
be destroyed but through all that is coming they shall come
to know Me their true Messiah. I Jesus am coming to avenge
all that is coming against My people. The plans of the enemy
will be thwarted. The Spirit of Haman will be brought to
nought and as haman was hung on his own gallows so the
enemy will be made to eat the dirt of the ground.

I will have the last say. This shall come to pass and my
will is going to be done on earth in Israel as it is in
heaven as you My intercessors pray, fast, and intercede
on their behalf. You move My hand to bring My word to pass.
Intercessors much lies on what you do in this hour. This
is a clarion call to the prayer closet and be on vigil for
My people the Jews and you must stand with them.

Pray that the Nations of the earth stand with them. Those
that will divide My land I will divide says the Lord. You
that think you have the upper hand you plans will fail
for I am the Lord.

You are not fighting Israel but you are fighting the Lord
God of Heaven, the Lord of Armies and I will not stand by
but in the end you shall fight with Me.

Arise and shine church. Let those that are Mine come into
your destiny for you were engrafted into the vine. I am
calling you to come and ask Me for My burden and that you
carry the burden of the Lord.

Awake from your slumber and sleep. Wake up for the day
of your redemption draws near. Hear Me as I call you to
this plan of Mine for you as intercessors are My secret
weapons of war.

Fight the battle and win and My Kingdom will be ushered
in, says the Lord.

Do Not Compromise!

Do Not Compromise!

You have taken a firm stand and the enemy is not happy.
You have chosen to take up your cross and follow Me. It
would be easier to give in but the outcome would not be
good. I have called you to a high standard and you must
not give in to the pressure being applied by the enemy.
He will use those that you to love to attempt to draw
you into the world. You have stood and are continuing
to stand and are saying no to watching even the movies
that seem good but the battle is on. You have chosen
to protect your eye gate and this is necessary and
pleasing to Me. Do not give in to the pleasures of sin
for a season. Stand fast dearly beloved and do not
compromise for I have called you to walk uprightly and
your calling is one that must be protected at all cost.
Do not give in but stand even in the face of this mild
persecution for many have had much worse in their lives.
Being sworn at is mild compared to the persecution of
many of your brothers and sisters so remember them in
prayer before Me. They need your intercession and so
be used of Me and pray for those that also persecute you.

Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of
God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Hebrews 11:25

To Everything There Is A Season

To Everything There Is A Season

Daily things are moving and changing in your life.
You do not see the changes but they are there if
you look closely with My eyes and see them. I
am moving you to a new level and the discomfort
you are feeling is the gentle nudge of My Spirit
moving you forward. One step at a time you will
put your foot in this new place. The past is dead
and you will move forward into this deeper place
where I have called you. It is the place of much
deeper intercession and you will not be satisfied
until you stay there in your prayer closet with Me.

I am calling you aside in this season to meet with
Me and fellowship with Me for I have much to reveal
to you. Settle down with Me and know that it is
for the long haul and you will come out only at My
leading to do those things I call you to do. Rise
up to the occasion and press, press, press. The
enemy is bringing resistance but resist Him and He
will flee, says the Lord.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to
every purpose under the heaven:
Eccl. 3:1

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

The Enemy Of Best Is Good!

Many are called to the place of deep intercession
but few find it! You are called to this place in
this hour and know that it is My plan for your life.
Fellowship with man is draining but fellowship with
Me truly satisfies. Even time online with others
seems good but it can never be allowed to take time
away from Me. You are called into My presence
the deep presence of the Spirit of God.

Softly and tenderly I am calling and wooing you to
come aside and enjoy My presence. I am calling you
to fight battles for Nations. You are called to
fight for My people and declare My Word into the
earth. I am calling you into that deep place of
intercession that few ever find. They do not find
it because they are not willing to pay the price.
I see your heart and know that you are willing to
pay it. Call on Me and I will answer you. You have
found favor in My sight.

You will fulfil this calling in your life and all
else will be centered around this precious time
with Me. All ministry will flow from the centre of
My will for as you spend this quality time with Me
you will indeed be in the center of My will.

Hear Me, for softly and tenderly I am calling you
and saying,come My daughter come into the presence
of your King. Come beloved of mine come and I will
spread a table before you in the presence of your

The enemy of best is good so never settle for less
than I have for you, says the Lord.

Prophets Of God!

Prophets Of God!

Prophets of God. You are unique and as individual as your name.
I have called you by My name and you will never be like another.
Do not try to be as other prophets but be the one I have called
you to be. You have your own distinct characteristics and walk
with Me. When you are confident in who you are you will be
glad to walk as the one I have called you to be. Your words are
My words and they have My fingerprint through you on each word.
Each prophet is individually mine. I take each one of you and
have broken you and molded you for My purposes. Hear the call
of the Lord on your life and do not look at another. If you try to
be like another you shall surely fail and I will not look on you with
great joy. Each one of you My prophets are My sons and daughters
who are individual and exceedingly precious. Hear the voice of
My Spirit and come up higher and hear Me, says the Lord.

Victory Is Yours!

Victory Is Yours!

You have stood in the hard place and have continued
to stand. I say to you continue to stand in this place
of resistance and know that I am enabling you to
overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your
testimony. You are being strengthened day by day and
as you go through each trial you pass the test. Yes
you are passing the tests that you are going through
and as you do so you are being strengthened in your
inner man. You are becoming stronger and able to
handle greater battles and you are being prepared for
this time. Though the attacks come you will stand
against them and thwart the plans of the enemy.
Fear not for you are indeed that overcomer called
for such a time as this. Know that I the Lord am
giving you victory and you will take the spoils of
the enemy into your camp,says the Lord.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be
able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:13

See Yourself Through My Eyes

See Yourself Through My Eyes

I say to you My daughter that before you were born
I knew you. I had plans for you that were ordained
before the foundation of the world. You were called
by Me to be a prophetess to the church. You were
called by Me and I will fulfill that which I have
called you to do. Fear not My daughter. You are
looking at your inadequacies but I would have you
to look at My power working in your life. Fear not
those that would speak against you. Fear not those
that would doubt your value and worth for I have
called you, says the Lord. You are called by My
name. You were called by Me and I will fulfill
My promises to you. You shall minister to many and
those that are hurting will be touched by you.
Believe Me for I am not a God that lies. I speak
with you My daughter as your Father who loves you
and looks upon you lovingly. I see you altogether
lovely in My sight. See yourself through My eyes.
Look and behold the daughter of the King. I have
called you and your calling is not a mistake but
one divinely ordained by Me.

Prophet of God, Search Your Heart

Prophet Of God, Search Your Heart

The Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah and told Him that
He was called before He was born and that He had ordained
Him to be a prophet to the Nations. Has God called you to
serve as one of His prophets? It is a noble calling but
one that will cost you everything. Jeremiah like many of
us came up with what He thought was a good excuse. Lord
I am young and cannot speak! What excuses have you given
to the Lord when He has called you to do something you
feel inadeqauate about doing? You need to be determined
to fulfill your calling. The Lord told Jeremiah that he
would go and speak whatever the Lord commanded him.
He was told not to fear man but that the Lord was there
to deliver him. Do you fear man more than you fear the
Lord. Prophet of God search your heart, for the Lord
knows what is inside the deep recesses of your heart.
Do you fear man or do you fear the Lord? God is asking
you this deep and soul searching question. God is saying,
that He has put His words in your mouth and with His
unction you will speak them. God is asking you today to
put total trust in Him and He will fulfill His destiny
in your life.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)