Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Knowing Your Boundaries
through Patricia Hamel

You have not because you ask not. Ask and I will speak and give
you the answers you are looking for. I hold all the answers and
the wisdom that you need to go forward. I will lead you and
guide you and My strong right arm is your strength. Lean on Me
for all that you need. Lean for I will not break. I am all
strength and all powerful and am great and mighty. I will meet
all your need. My grace is sufficient for you for My strength
is sufficient for you for My strength is made perfect in your
weakness. Your help comes from the name of the Lord that made
heaven and earth. I will lead you and guide you and reveal
the truth needed to do exploits in My name.

I the Lord set boundaries and yours are set for this time.
Knowing them will give you peace of mind to move freely in the
power of My Spirit. I will reveal them to you and you will
know where they begin and where the end. You shall know you
sphere of authority and walk in it adjusting to your new
mantle. I have given it to you but the enemy would seek to rob
you with his lies. Do not receive the lie but know that you
indeed walk as one in that office and are standing tall and
walking in obedience to Me. Know that the enemy fears you
and that is his reason for this attack.

Sit with Me and you will hear from Me quickly. I will define
your boundaries and in time they will be extended. Be
faithful with little and I will give you much. Territorial
spirits need to be removed from your town and you will deal
with them shortly. Bind and loose and do not let up on them
till they are out of commission. Take a stand and once you
do you must not cease and not back down. Go forward with a
militant spirit from Me to take them out for it will open
up the gospel for this town and bring victory and salvation
to many. This assignment is not for the faint of heart so
go forward as I direct you and plunder the camp of the
enemy. Do not let any distractions keep you from this
assignment for it not for the faint of heart. Be diligent
keep your armor on and stand tall where I the Lord have
called you. I the Lord am standing with you prophet of God,
I the Lord am standing with you.
Posted by Patricia Hamel at
through Patricia Hamel
May 23, 2009

I have been speaking to Mexico and am knocking at the door
of her heart. It is time Mexico for you to turn your heart
toward the living God.Mexico, Mexico I am calling you to
repentance. You have walked as a nation who has served
other gods. Small god's that are dead and cannot help you.
You are now seeing your need of help. You are sick Mexico
from the inside out. I am calling you to repentance from
the inside out. The least to the greatest in your nation
need Me. The shaking shall surely stop as you come to Me
in full repentance. You are sick with the flu but Mexico
it is sign in the natural of your sin in the Spirit. You
are being shaken and even the earthquakes are Me speaking
to you and showing you that judgment is on your nation
because you have served other god's. There are those of
you that believe in Me. My precious ones that are in
Mexico I have called you to intercede for your Nation
for she stands in the balance. Mexico I am knocking at
the door of your heart will your turn from your wickedness.
Will you turn from your lewdness and serve Me.

You have such potential Mexico and I the Spirit of the
Living God am calling you to repentance. You have much
to offer Me in serving others if you will about face
and turn from the dead god's that you serve to the one
true and living God. Jesus Christ is My name.
Come to Me today and repent and I will surely forgive
you sin and heal your land. The flu will leave, the
earthquakes will cease and you will be healed. Choose
to be healed lest a greater thing come on you.
Mexico repent as a nation and come.
Come Drink In The River

Warrior of God. Declare My Word. Take the power of the
decree and decree a thing and it shall come to pass.
Speak My Words. There is power in the Spirit as you
declare a thing with your voice. Declare it in song
before Me. Declare the Word of the Lord. Do not hold
back but speak faith filled words that will break
the power of the enemy. Speak in the power of My
Spirit for My Spirit holds life. The resurrection
power of the Lord will flow as you declare My
Word. Put aside all things that do not glorify
the Lord people of God. Put aside all the things
that are mundane and temporal and begin to
concetrate on the things of My Spirit. My Word is
wonderful. Dwell there. Take time to drink. Drink
of the well of living water. You will thirst no
more as you drink of the living waters today. Come
you who are thirsty. Come and drink for it will
cost you nothing. Come and drink of the river of
God. It is flowing come and drink today of the
river of life. It is life everlasting come you who
are thirsty, come and drink. It will give you
refreshing. It will give you new strength. It
will hold you in the battle. It will keep you as
you swim in the river. You need to stay in the
river. Yes, stay in the river. It is dry when
you are not in the river. Come to the river.
You are being called people of God to come to
the river of God. It is flowing from heavens
throne room and is available. See it in the
Spirit and come drink of the river of God.
Praise My name and see what I will do with the
one that will live in the river of life.
Love the river of life and live in it. Put
your feet in today and you shall know its
refreshing. Know the refreshing of the Lord.
Put your feet into the river and walk out
into the middle and swim in My river. It is
there that you shall be satisfied and find
the life that you have been looking for.
See Me for I am the river that is flowing and
you need Me and you will find Me when you
seek Me with your whole heart.

Hear The Sound Of The Army Of The Lord

Hear The Sound Of The Army Of The Lord
through Patricia Hamel

Do you hear the sound of the army of the Lord?
I heard it's sound today. It is preparing for battle and the
Lord is waking His warriors up before the morning to do battle.
He is saying to you it is time to arise before the day break
and do battle. He is saying I have given you a watch and
you need to stand on guard. You affect others by what you
do or do not do and the Lord is calling all His warriors to
arise and stand in the battle. Yes, today, early as I stood
at the window I said in my spirit, I hear the sound of the army
of the Lord. Do you hear the call? Are you busy about your
Fathers business? He is calling you. He is calling you.
Again hear the call for the battle cry is going out. Arise
and man your station for the Lord is calling you. Speak out
declare and decree what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Speak out what the Spirit is saying to your nation. Speak
out what the Spirit is doing and declare the Word of God
that it would manifest in the earth. Hear the cry of the Lord.
He is crying out through His people. You His warrior arise
before dawn and cry out for justice and mercy for the people
of the land. Cry out for peace for it will surely come when I
return. Cry out for the victory is at hand even in the battle.
You will bring in the spoils of the enemy and they shall be
treasure for the work of the Lord. Bring in the spoils from the
enemys camp after you have plundered it and it shall be
sanctified and used for My glory. The time of the end is soon
here. It is not time for slackness. It is not time to stop
laboring but it is a time for confidence in Me and to have
none in yourself. Victory is yours. Do not even think of
defeat for you are walking in the power of My Spirit. I
am never defeated. You are walking in white. There is
power in holiness and it keeps out the enemy. Guard your
eye gate, guard your ear gate, keep holy for Me. I am
going to take you and use you and the mantle I have
placed on you will bring glory to My name. Rejoice
this day. Rejoice. Pray without ceasing this day. Man
your place on your watch and see what I will do, says the
Lord. Am I not God and shall not the King of the earth
do right. Take communion and fellowship with Me. Read
and devor My Word and seek My face for you shall see
Me as you seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with
your whole heart. I shall be praised in the earth for I am
establishing My Kingdom and it is not a Kingdom made
with mans hands. It is a Kingdom made by the Lord God
ruler of heaven and earth. Pray My Kingdom come and
My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.