Sleepy Eyes On Your Watch!
This morning I read a headline that read, "Sleepy eyes on nations skies". Air traffic controllers have been dozing on the job and then I heard, "it is the same in the Kingdom of God". Many of you are called "intercessors" and are to be on the wall before the Lord. You are one who God called to be in place to watch over the things Father entrusts to you. That brings me to the next question. Are you sleeping on the job? Are you alert and watching in the spirit or are you like a few of the air traffic controllers asleep at the helm?
When we drive to my mothers on an old country road there is a tall tower along the way. One could climb up it if they were extremely fit. Each time in seeing it, it makes me think of an intercessors place in the spirit. One can see in the distance from above in all directions and so can you when you are before God seeing in the Spirit.
Lives depend on you! You might say, "God will raise up another" and perhaps you have become half hearted about being one of God's intercessors. Day time seems like a good time to pray but you really do dislike being wakened up from your sleep or you do wake up, roll over and are too tired to rise and intercede.
With human eyes it does seem like a thankless place where no one sees what you are doing. Most of what you see you do not share and there seems to be little recognition. Do you not think Father knows all this and yet He has called YOU. When you do rise and pray, He is right there with you just waiting to share His secrets with you. Let Father refresh you.
Wipe the slumber from your eyes, man or woman of God. Wash your face if need be and WAKE UP. The WAKE UP call is going out! Will you be available to the Lord when He needs you? You are of value and one cannot put a price on a true intercessor. You perhaps do not feel you are getting far in this area of your life and that you fail. Repent, pick up the pieces and determine in your heart to be what God has called you to be. Intercessor you are needed by the Father. You have a job to do for the Kingdom of God. Lives depend on your being alert and on the wall. It is kind of like firefighters. They may sleep in the hall but when the alarm goes off they are awake immediately and report for duty.
Prophets are intercessors and if you are going to fulfill your prophetic commission you need to be on your face before the Lord more than just a few moments each day. You need to have your eyes open to see and ears open to hear for only then can you bring fresh manna to God's people. Let us all get some fresh determination to do the things that are needful. Like Martha you can be busy about so very much. Is it all needful or do you need to do an evaluation of the priorities in your life. Take your eyes off your own situation and put it on others. If you were to stand before the Lord tomorrow what would you rather be doing today. Spending time with Father would be your first priority and making sure all things in your heart are right. You have been given life today.
Only in living life to the fullest, in being that prophetic/intercessor God has called you to be will you find true happiness fulfilling your place in the Kingdom of God.
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30