Prophetic Refreshing
There fast comes a place in every prophets life for prophetic refreshing. There is the need to have the wind of His Spirit take you higher and you must leave many things behind to spend quality time with the Father. He is calling you higher. He is calling you to leave many things aside to come and meet with Him. There comes a time when the reading of prophetic words is not enough. Nor is meeting daily online with those of like precious faith. Divine appointments set by Him do not come without a price and He is calling you to spend time with Him and seek Him for those appointments.
Do not compromise the Word of God by settling for less than He has for you. Do not settle for less than the times of refreshing Jesus has to offer you. Do not settle for those that call themselves apostles and prophets and desire to see and hear the accolades of men. Desire only the presence of the Lord and let His joy and refreshing flood your soul. Sometimes you must break away and leave certain connections not because they are not of the Lord but because He is calling you in another direction. When you hear the call of the Spirit to take you higher you must be obedient. This obedience will not be understood by all but those that hear Him will understand your need to meet with your Maker and that you desire only Him in this season.
The hunger in your heart will not go away until it is satisfied and it will only be satisfied by more of Him. Not more of ministry, not more of fellowship but more of Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Desiring to meet with the Father more than men is what it all about for how can you continue to give out if you have not first met with Him. Softly tenderly the Spirit of God is calling you and saying come into the secret place and meet with Me in this season. Softly and tenderly the Spirit of God is saying give it all up to meet with Me. I will give you divine appointments in due season but now is your time with Me beloved. Now is your precious time with Me, reach out and take it for it is now being offered to you and in it you will find a rich blessing.