Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Come Drink In The River

Warrior of God. Declare My Word. Take the power of the
decree and decree a thing and it shall come to pass.
Speak My Words. There is power in the Spirit as you
declare a thing with your voice. Declare it in song
before Me. Declare the Word of the Lord. Do not hold
back but speak faith filled words that will break
the power of the enemy. Speak in the power of My
Spirit for My Spirit holds life. The resurrection
power of the Lord will flow as you declare My
Word. Put aside all things that do not glorify
the Lord people of God. Put aside all the things
that are mundane and temporal and begin to
concetrate on the things of My Spirit. My Word is
wonderful. Dwell there. Take time to drink. Drink
of the well of living water. You will thirst no
more as you drink of the living waters today. Come
you who are thirsty. Come and drink for it will
cost you nothing. Come and drink of the river of
God. It is flowing come and drink today of the
river of life. It is life everlasting come you who
are thirsty, come and drink. It will give you
refreshing. It will give you new strength. It
will hold you in the battle. It will keep you as
you swim in the river. You need to stay in the
river. Yes, stay in the river. It is dry when
you are not in the river. Come to the river.
You are being called people of God to come to
the river of God. It is flowing from heavens
throne room and is available. See it in the
Spirit and come drink of the river of God.
Praise My name and see what I will do with the
one that will live in the river of life.
Love the river of life and live in it. Put
your feet in today and you shall know its
refreshing. Know the refreshing of the Lord.
Put your feet into the river and walk out
into the middle and swim in My river. It is
there that you shall be satisfied and find
the life that you have been looking for.
See Me for I am the river that is flowing and
you need Me and you will find Me when you
seek Me with your whole heart.