Hear The Call of Holy Spirit!
I am speaking by My Holy Spirit into your heart. Hear the voice
of My Spirit for I am calling you to come deeper into My presence!
Do not be content with a relationship that is surface but desire
the depths of My love. I will reveal myself to you as you spend
that time seeking Me. Above all else seek Me! Above all else,
hear Me!
I am speaking but Many of you are not hearing and many are hard
of hearing. I would speak to you. Open your heart to Me for you
were created to worship Me! You were created to praise My Holy
Name! Worship Me, spend time in silence before Me and hear the
still small voice of God. I am speaking to My own and not to
another. I speak to those that call Me by name and yet their
hearts are far from Me. I am knocking will you answer the call.
Hear the call of the Spirit of God and come deeper. All else
will seem mundane when You enter into the presence of your soon
coming King. All else seems futile because you need more of Me
to continue in the race. Continue to run the race and take time
in My presence. It will bring that refreshing that only My Spirit
can give you. I have spoken to you of the refreshing now come
and be refreshed. I am wooing you and My Spirit is drawing you
come and enter into the joy of your King. Be blessed of Me and
be spoken to Me as you come running into My presence. Come!