Sunday, October 18, 2009
Will the true prophets of God arise? Will the true prophets of God
speak out in love? Will the true prophets of God speak with a
clear voice that Jesus Christ might be heard in the midst of His
people. I am calling those of you that stand for Me to speak the
truth in love. I am calling you to ring as a clear voice in this
hour. Many are speaking the frivolous thing but it is not the hour
for play. It is the hour to watch and pray and work in My vineyard.
The hour is late and it is time that you who are mine to bend your
will and your ways to Me and spend concrete time with Me that the ways
of My Kingdom will be established in the earth. How My spirit is
grieved by the false prophets. How My spirit is grieved at the
deception they speak and I am grieved that my people do not know good
food from the bad. I am grieved, and calling you true prophets of God
to remain on the wall and hear only from Me.
It is time, It is time It is time.
My people need a fresh word. They need to hear My voice. Many voices
clamor for place in this hour but the voice of My Spirit needs to be
heard in the land. Arise true prophets of God arise and stand even
against that false spirit of Jezebel.
It is time. It is time. It is time.
Arise and do your first works and I will reward you in the life to come.
Look not for the approval of man for it is a snare. Look for My approval
prophets of God. Look for My approval. I the Lord am speaking and it is
time to arise and be counted for Me and for My Kingdom purposes that are
being established in the earth. Prophets of God arise.
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs
and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22