Lay aside all fears today and contend for the faith. This is the time to contend and not get knocked down. Stand up in the power of My Spirit and fight with the weapons I have given you. They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! Use them wisely with my wisdom and you will cut through all that the enemy has done. You will see through him with the discerning of spirits and nothing will be hidden from you. Contend watchmen, contend for the faith. This faith was given to your forefathers and was given to you, as Timothy had a mother and grandmother who served me many of you have been third or forth generation of believers and it is time for you who have been raised in the faith not to rest on the work s of your forefathers. It is time to arise and do My Works. It is time to arise and serve me for you were dedicated to Me and My eye is on you. Come back to Me those of you who have backslidden and I will give you light. Come to Me you who are downcast and weary. Come to Me those of you who are heavy laden with the cares of this world and I will restore you to wholeness. This restoration takes place at my feet. Come aside with Me and let Me love and restore you. Let Me heal your broken heart. Let Me wipe off your wounds as was done by the Samaritan man and let Me take you and set you as one of the bright shining ones in My kingdom that will be used to take out the works of darkness. You know that you were called so come back to Me, says the Lord and do not rest in the works of those in My church that have gone before you. Arise and shine and be the light I have called you to be. Arise and shine for I Jesus am calling you to repentance and then you will shine for Me.
28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30For my yoke is easy, and my burden