Yea says the Lord.
I have not called you to walk as one that is discouraged but you have been called to walk in the joy and fear of the Lord. Lift up your voice and begin to sing. Shout to Me a new song! I have placed in your heart the ability to bombard the heavens and get answers. You are on the verge of breakthrough. Yes, breakthrough is close at hand. Do not be discouraged beloved and do not give up but press in for the delivery is at hand. You will give birth to that which I have spoken forth in your spirit. Rejoice and praise Me and press into that which I have for you. The enemy has sought to discourage. This is His work. Do not give in to that oppressive spirit but instead worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Lift your heart up before Me and praise Me for I am worthy to be praised. Rejoice for you are fearfully and yes, wonderfully made! You are beautiful to Me, says the Lord. You are My daughter and were bought with a high price. Do not give in to the voices of man but go forward and learn afresh that there are wolves in sheep's clothing and there is need of a greater inspection of their fruit. By this men shall know that they are My disciples, if they have love one for another. Test the fruit. Do they speak in love? What is the fruit that they are revealing? Test the fruit! Test the fruit! Test the fruit!!! You will see what is within and I will reveal even more in the days to come. Rejoice that you are mine and that I have given you a tender heart that is being broken again and again for My purposes. Rejoice for the seed that is within you is the Spirit of God and it cannot die. I died once and paid the price and I live within. I will soon show myself to the world and all men will know that I Am that I Am. Meanwhile occupy till I come for I will do a quick work in the earth. Love those that are unlovely for you will need to pick up the pieces for Me of those that they have damaged and there are many. Rejoice, refrain from speaking much and wait on Me and you will see My hand move, says the Lord.