Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Kingdom Of God Will Reign Forever!!!
The Kingdom Of God Will Reign Forever!!!
My Kingdom will come and My will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Though the enemy rail against all that is Mine I will have the last word for I am Lord of all. Stand strong and do not be deterred. His work of evil is only for a little while and then his demise will come and he will be in the lake of fire forever. Fear not that which is able to kill the body but fear only Me. Stand strong in adversity, strong in change and allow Me to be formed in you. I am taking the kingdoms of this world and bringing them down.
The kingdoms of darkness will fall. Rejoice that the Kingdom of God will reign forever. You are a people that have been chosen to rule and reign with Me. Your training now will determine what place of authority you hold in eternity. The Kingdoms of this world will come down and My kingdom will be ushered in shortly. Fear not that which must first come to pass for when dying grace is needed it shall be there if necessary. I have given you strength and grace for this hour and the gates of hell will not prevail against you. In this world you will have tribulations and many difficulties but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. I stood against all obstacles and death could not hold me for I rose again and you too will rise again in the power of My Spirit and the dead in Christ will rise.
Glory only in Me! Glory only in that which I do! See the works and the greater works that will soon come forth. There shall be healing in My name. There is power in My name. There is victory in My name. There is authority in the name of Jesus over all power of the enemy and nothing shall in any means hurt you. Do you not yet know the power in My name? Do you not yet know that there is great victory through Christ? Do you not yet truly know Me children of God?
If you knew Me you would do so much more in My name! I left you the authority to bind and loose and most do not do so and even speak against doing so. You have authority to tear down kingdoms and declare and decree a thing and there is great power in My word being spoken into the earth. My apostles, my prophets, my intercessors need to take My word study it and send it like a sharp arrow where I show you to send it. Pray for those in authority over you. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of your countries. Pray for the salvation of loved ones, pray! pray! pray!
Now is the day of your salvation! Now is your victory! Now is your faith being activated! Now is the time for the restoration of all things! Now is the time to walk in faith for it is the victory that overcomes the world. Even your faith will stand the test in this hour. You do not see the deposits within you. When the fire touches you your faith will be activated.
Do not murmur and do not complain but be true worshipers that worship me in spirit and truth. Such power will come through worship and praise and entering into the secret place. Fear not but ask me to send in My angels to strengthen and help you with your Kingdom assignments. All for the glory of God. Rejoice this day and do not save your praise for another day. Now is the time to Praise Me for I am Lord.