Let Your Faith Be Stirred!
Faith is being stirred to new levels. Think big. Believe for great and mighty things. Believe God for the impossible. Believe cancer will be healed. Believe for all manner of sickness and disease to go in Jesus name. I can do the impossible with one that will yield to me. Yield all doubt and unbelief to Me and move forward in faith. You can move mountains, in Jesus name. My name moves mountains. My name will set free the captives in this nation and in the nations of the world. Hearts will be stirred.
Hearts will come to new levels of faith. Now is the time people of God to take your faith to new levels. Now is the time to be stirred and let the spirit of the Lord take you where you have not walked before. I am the Lord and am moving My people to new levels of faith. Take My Word and read about faith. Read the works of Jesus and then do them. No longer will you just read My Word but appropriate it by faith. Be stirred this night to step out in faith and do the impossible. I the Lord am stirring you to take the Word of God and believe it for it is alive and speaks, says the Lord.