Sunday, September 26, 2010

Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?

Did Not Our Hearts Burn
Within Us?

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

There is just something about being in the presence of Jesus that sets the heart on fire. This scripture came to mind this evening after pondering the things of the Kingdom. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within us. It is not an outward Kingdom but first and foremost it is a Kingdom that is in the hearts of Gods elect. His heart needs to be burning in us. We are told to seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness and everything will be added unto us. If we seek Him first the Lord will take care of the rest. How awesome is that!

We need to take God at His word with all the cares of this life that are looming before us daily. We need to let Him take total reign in our hearts. Without this beloved the business of the Kingdom will not be completed. Christ must reign in our hearts and the cross applied to our hearts daily. Paul said, I die daily and we too must die daily to all that we would desire in our own flesh. Without Him we can truly do absolutely nothing worthwhile. It is Christ in us the hope of glory.
A repentant walk must take place and our flesh must die so that we might see His resurrection power pour forth from pure vessels. Are we desiring holiness? Are we wanting to walk in love one toward another?

The Kingdom of God is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. To keep these three working in our hearts and reigning then we must keep that close relationship Jesus kept with the Father. There is just no way around spending time with the Father. Desiring the presence of the Lord above all else is what it is about beloved. Now there is none that has arrived, not one that has attained to this walk but we press on to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Let there be that longing in your heart to come closer. The disciples summed it up so well. Did not our hearts burn within us! Is your heart burning and on fire for Jesus or have the earthly things of this world dimmed the light and fire in your life? Do you spend more time in ministry and ministering than ever settling down to one hour with Jesus? The disciples could not take one hour with Him without falling asleep. What is your excuse today? Are we spending time with the Father?

Softly tenderly the Spirit of God is calling. He is saying,come and spend time in the presence of the Lord. Come and meet with Me and I will tell you great and wonderful things. Come and spend time with Me and I will show you your heart. Come and meet with Me and I will show you the battle plans to combat the enemy. Come and spend time with Me and pray for the lost and I will save them. Come into the presence of the Lord and I will do a very necessary work in your life. Take time beloved, take time and just sit with Me awhile. The Spirit of God is entreating you to come to Him. Come to Him now and let Him take complete control of your life. You have struggled. You have almost given up so why not let Him do a complete and lasting work in your heart. Jesus is calling and saying, come closer and I will welcome you with open arms.