Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Find New Strength And Fresh Vision

Find New Strength And Fresh Vision

Do not walk in discouragement but overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.  Do not love your life but be willing to lay it down for My sake.  Die daily, take up your cross and follow Me.  It is in daily laying down your life for others that you will find new strength and fresh vision.  Let the wind of My Spirit blow and do not fear where it will take you, for I am walking with you, says the Lord.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth;  so it is everyone that is born of the Spirit.  John 3:8

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Glory Of The Lord Is Coming!

The Glory Of The Lord Is Coming!

The glory of the Lord is coming! The glory of the Lord is coming! The glory of the Lord is coming for those that have ears to hear. Walk softly before! Walk a repentant walk before Me! I am coming to fill Holy vessels with fresh oil. The new wine will be poured forth upon the world and they shall have witness of Me. Those that accept Me will have life and those that do not accept Me will not have life. There is a dividing line in the sand. The Word of the Lord will go forth with new clarity from holy vessels. Vessels that walk in holiness and do not touch the unclean thing will be used for the end time move of God. Nothing that is unholy will make it into the Kingdom of God.

Put aside that which does not profit. Put aside all that is unholy. Put aside the works of darkness for there is no darkness in My Kingdom. I am raising up a holy people who will walk in white. I am looking for those that will walk in white covered in the blood of the Lamb. They shall walk as one. They shall speak with one voice and walk arm in arm. They will come against the works of darkness. They will not break ranks. They will not fear for their lives neither shall they be afraid for Christ lives within them.

They shall behold Me, I am Jesus and am coming for My bride. I am leading you Beloved. Walk in unison and put aside the petty differences that have been used to try and destroy My body. Put aside hatred and bitterness, put aside the works of the flesh. Put aside the love of the dollar, and love Me. I am coming for one bride and she is not divided. When one hurts, all hurt. When one is uplifted and blessed, all should be happy at their blessing. I am coming and I am looking for a bride that is filled with the love of the Lord. My love will touch lives and change hearts, allow Me to change your heart today. Where there has been hardness, let me fill you with My love. I am love and will flow from you in a new way as you walk with a repentant heart before Me. Behold I come quickly. Repent and do your first works.
It is by My love one for another that men will know you are My disciples.

10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:9

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Test Your Fruit Today?

Test Your Fruit Today?

Many are taught by men and this is good that the Lord uses men and speaks through them. We are a body and so speak into each others lives. That said, there is nothing that can replace the relationship of God with His sons and daughters and time with the Father at His feet, will humble and teach one much. There is no more beautiful place to be than with ones heart tuned to the heart of the Father who longs to teach us so many things. First we need to learn the love of a Father and know that we are loved unconditionally and then when we truly realize this, we will minister out of His heart that love to others. Loving unconditionally is so important in ministry today.

Are we loving as Jesus loved or is some of the fruit we see in the body of Christ shriveled and dry? Come aside and take time just enjoying your Father for who He is and not what He will give to you and your fruit will begin to plump up and be ready for others. Dried fruit is never as tasty as the real thing and if you look at a bag of prunes they do not look as nice either. So...test your fruit today. Are you being fruitful in the Kingdom of God? Note you were not asked how many sermons you have preached but is there fruit that will remain coming from your lips, heart and ministry. You see as we go on in Jesus and mature we can forget to be like little children who come running to their Father. When was the last time you ran to your Abba Father and said," Daddy, Daddy. I need you".

The Lord is just waiting for you to drop everything that is not needful and to come running to Him today. His arms are out stretched and waiting for you to run into them. You are never too old or too late but it is now time to come running to Father and just let Him love you. Your journey with the Lord was started as a relationship and over the years you have gotten away from the closeness in your relationship. Today the Lord is calling you back to the basics. Come back to your first love. Remember what it was like when you first fell in love with Jesus before the other things got in the way. True maturity is realizing that without Him you can do nothing. It is His gospel and without Him in your life and ministry it is as sinking sand.

Come to the cross today. Behold the price He paid for you! He rose again that you might have life and have it more abundantly. He has risen and you need to let Him be resurrected in your life today. Arms are out stretched and Jesus is waiting on you. It is out of relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that you minister to others.

23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. 24 Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. John 13:23-24 (NKJV)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Positioned Right To Hear


Positioned Right To Hear

You need to be positioned right to hear what the Lord is speaking to you. There has been much disarray in the circumstances around you that have prevented you from hearing clearly from the Lord. Divine positioning is everything. Take time to be repositioned and let your heart have correct posture before the Lord. Humility in all things is the key. Learn to bend for you will not break. Yield in your situation and continue to bend and I will honor it. Do not be hardhearted or stiff necked but go with the flow of My Spirit and I will bless you, says the Lord.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4:10

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



by Mary Lindow

I would like to share with you…

… A few true and weird warnings that are out there!

A warning on an air conditioner – Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows.

A warning on a blow dryer - Do not use while sleeping.

A warning on a Rowenta Iron – Never iron clothes on the body.

A warning on a vacuum cleaner – 1. Do not use to pick up gasoline or flammable liquids.

2. Do not use to pick up anything that is currently burning.

Here is a warning sign that reads – Ignore this sign.

Here is an obvious warning sign from Durango, Colorado – Warning: Do not hit this sign.

Here is a warning sign in South Carolina – Caution water on road during rain.

A chilling warning from Sony Trinitron – Caution: risk of electrical shock. Do not open.

I could go on-and-on with these warnings that are obvious, ridiculous, and yet, how many people feel that the warning is not for them? Many do and that is why there are so many warnings out there, so the company is not legally responsible when people do a stupid thing with their product!

In II Corinthians chapter 6 Paul opens his heart to the Corinthians, he shows his love for them, and he holds nothing back. And yet, they refuse to heed or listen to Paul’s warnings. They may not have liked the first letter they received from Paul that was full of correction and rebuke for their sin, but it was also sent in love. So, now they can’t get beyond it and Paul’s point is that they refuse to be open because of the limits they have made.

Also, the people they were hanging out with may have influenced them, and so Paul now moves into this very conflict-ridden and often disregarded portion of Scripture.

As I read through these verses I see serious thing that we need to listen to, and that we need to heed. My prayer and hope is that that we would not only understand these things, but we would then apply these things to our lives.


II CORINTHIANS 6:14-16b “Do not be joined to unbelievers. What do right and wrong have in common? Can light and darkness be friends? How can Christ and Satan agree? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? We are the temple of the living God. God has said, "I will live with them. I will walk among them. I will be their God. And they will be my people."—(Leviticus 26:12; Jeremiah 32:38; Ezekiel 37:27)

Please know this has nothing to do with the worth of a person, the significance of a person, that one person is better than the other person. Paul is speaking of the nature of each person. Think about it, you would not put an ox and a donkey together with the same yoke, they have different natures, they would go in different directions, and it would be a mess.


If you are dating an unsaved person you need to stop for you are not to marry, you are not to even date an unsaved person, someone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ. Why is that? Isn’t that harsh? Isn’t there something called “missionary dating” where you date an unsaved person hoping to lead them to the Lord? I don’t know where that came from but it is not from the Word of God!

Again, we miss the point if you think these things are okay. You will be unequally yoked together and you will be going in different directions. And let me say this, chances are you are not going to affect them, but they will affect you and your relationship with the Lord.

Paul lays it all out for us as he puts side by side, the two natures. How can you have fellowship with a lack of control when your nature is honesty? You can’t! How can light and darkness feel at one with each other? They can’t because light and darkness don’t mix! And if Christ is in you how can you be in agreement with the Devil? You can’t!

We need to understand that this does not just apply to marriage, it applies to business partnerships, close relationships, sharing an apartment or home together and-so-on. You may think you will influence them but the reality is, they will influence you and bring you down. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 15:33, the following.



Or as The Amplified Bible puts it, “Do not be so deceived and misled! Evil companionships (communion, associations) corrupt and deprave good manners and morals and character.”

I know that some people still doubt that, and think you they are going to influence them, but most of the time, that is not the case, it is the other way around. Let me show you what I mean with this story:

H. A. Ironside, a bible scholar, tells of some boys who caught two chirping baby songbird finches. They decided to teach these birds to sing by placing them in a small cage and hanging it next to the cage of a pet canary. The canary, of course, sang beautifully, so the boys thought if the songbird finches were close to it they too would become good songbirds. Several weeks went by with no apparent results. Then one day the youngsters were startled by a strange sound coming from the canary’s cage. “Listen,” said one of them, “the canary is cheeping like a song bird finch.”


…Who fellowships too often with irreverent people in the world. He will become like them. But worse than that, he will experience the disfavor of the Heavenly Father, whose will is that His children withdraw themselves from sin and evil.

The devil would have people believe that the life of sin is a very exciting life. It is a very exhilarating life. Yet the fact of the matter is - sin becomes a very boring and a very monotonous experience.


I was reading an article about the celebrities in America and their lifestyles. I saw that the average time of death of celebrities is 52.If they are going to live much they better live in a hurry because at age 52 that's when most of them die. The fast lane, very, very soon, becomes a rut. A lot of people who think they are living it up in sin are really not living.

If you really want to live and if you really want to have an exciting life, give your life to Jesus. There's never a dull moment when you know the Lord and when you live for the Lord. That's one of the lies of Satan - that sin is exciting and ooooh sooooo fulfilling!


"The Children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord." It seems as long as Israel could have some kind of outward restraint on them they would be fine. If they would have a spiritual leader, something on the outside they could hold things together, but the moment the outward restraints were gone they would go right back into sin and there would be another lapse into idolatry.

A lot of people are like that. Some Christians are like that. As long as they have the positive peer pressure of a fellowship of Christians around them they do okay. As long as they have some spiritual leader who is right there to stay on top of them and help them do right they do okay? But when the restraints are removed and all of those things are gone, if you aren't growing, if you are not maturing on the inside, then you aren't going to continue to live for the Lord.


I would encourage you to get the measuring stick out and see where you are. Look to the Lord and ask Him to uncover any areas in your life where He doesn’t have complete and total influence. Like Paul, do away with childish things, and continue to grow in Christ. May each of us ”grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.”

As I close this message I would like to take time to share with you, a few lingering "prophetic whispers" that the Lord has spoken clearly to me.

“Each day, upon waking, where does you hear and mind wander to?

Is it the plans and lists of things you must accomplish for the day? Is it the meal you are about to eat? Is it worry and the bracing yourself for another grinding day of dealing with the pressures of life?

Return to those early awakening moments where you and I share in the dialog of my plans for you. Each day you have to live and to give, you have been given the opportunity to impact someone and to do a kindness or act of training for another. Where has your thankful heart wandered? Without it, evidence of bitterness and drudgery will manifest and sour even the brightest flower of hope.

Return to the heart of the issue and clean away the rusty decay of treadmill thinking. Each day can be a fresh adventure into Kingdom purpose or, a continual repeating of dreary existence.

Choose ever so wisely.”

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.” ~ Hebrews 12:28

“When God prunes us, the result will be greater growth and sweeter fruit.”

“Pruning usually takes place when God uses situations, people, and circumstances to help mature us in our Christian disposition, attitude, and temperament.”

“The way we respond when we are pruned reveals our true level of spiritual maturity.”

~ P. B. Wilson

Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed

as long as complete source and website information for Mary Lindow is included.

Thank You! Copyright © 2010-2011

" THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hope In God

Hope in God

Psalm 94:19
In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.(NKJV)

God wants you to know that when your emotions get the better of you He is there just waiting for you to call on His name. When you are anxious, trust that He is bigger than all anxiety and will comfort your soul.