Test Your Fruit Today?
Many are taught by men and this is good that the Lord uses men and speaks through them. We are a body and so speak into each others lives. That said, there is nothing that can replace the relationship of God with His sons and daughters and time with the Father at His feet, will humble and teach one much. There is no more beautiful place to be than with ones heart tuned to the heart of the Father who longs to teach us so many things. First we need to learn the love of a Father and know that we are loved unconditionally and then when we truly realize this, we will minister out of His heart that love to others. Loving unconditionally is so important in ministry today.
Are we loving as Jesus loved or is some of the fruit we see in the body of Christ shriveled and dry? Come aside and take time just enjoying your Father for who He is and not what He will give to you and your fruit will begin to plump up and be ready for others. Dried fruit is never as tasty as the real thing and if you look at a bag of prunes they do not look as nice either. So...test your fruit today. Are you being fruitful in the Kingdom of God? Note you were not asked how many sermons you have preached but is there fruit that will remain coming from your lips, heart and ministry. You see as we go on in Jesus and mature we can forget to be like little children who come running to their Father. When was the last time you ran to your Abba Father and said," Daddy, Daddy. I need you".
The Lord is just waiting for you to drop everything that is not needful and to come running to Him today. His arms are out stretched and waiting for you to run into them. You are never too old or too late but it is now time to come running to Father and just let Him love you. Your journey with the Lord was started as a relationship and over the years you have gotten away from the closeness in your relationship. Today the Lord is calling you back to the basics. Come back to your first love. Remember what it was like when you first fell in love with Jesus before the other things got in the way. True maturity is realizing that without Him you can do nothing. It is His gospel and without Him in your life and ministry it is as sinking sand.
Come to the cross today. Behold the price He paid for you! He rose again that you might have life and have it more abundantly. He has risen and you need to let Him be resurrected in your life today. Arms are out stretched and Jesus is waiting on you. It is out of relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that you minister to others.
23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. 24 Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. John 13:23-24 (NKJV)