Sleepy Eyes On Your Watch!
This morning I read a headline that read, "Sleepy eyes on nations skies". Air traffic controllers have been dozing on the job and then I heard, "it is the same in the Kingdom of God". Many of you are called "intercessors" and are to be on the wall before the Lord. You are one who God called to be in place to watch over the things Father entrusts to you. That brings me to the next question. Are you sleeping on the job? Are you alert and watching in the spirit or are you like a few of the air traffic controllers asleep at the helm?
When we drive to my mothers on an old country road there is a tall tower along the way. One could climb up it if they were extremely fit. Each time in seeing it, it makes me think of an intercessors place in the spirit. One can see in the distance from above in all directions and so can you when you are before God seeing in the Spirit.
Lives depend on you! You might say, "God will raise up another" and perhaps you have become half hearted about being one of God's intercessors. Day time seems like a good time to pray but you really do dislike being wakened up from your sleep or you do wake up, roll over and are too tired to rise and intercede.
With human eyes it does seem like a thankless place where no one sees what you are doing. Most of what you see you do not share and there seems to be little recognition. Do you not think Father knows all this and yet He has called YOU. When you do rise and pray, He is right there with you just waiting to share His secrets with you. Let Father refresh you.
Wipe the slumber from your eyes, man or woman of God. Wash your face if need be and WAKE UP. The WAKE UP call is going out! Will you be available to the Lord when He needs you? You are of value and one cannot put a price on a true intercessor. You perhaps do not feel you are getting far in this area of your life and that you fail. Repent, pick up the pieces and determine in your heart to be what God has called you to be. Intercessor you are needed by the Father. You have a job to do for the Kingdom of God. Lives depend on your being alert and on the wall. It is kind of like firefighters. They may sleep in the hall but when the alarm goes off they are awake immediately and report for duty.
Prophets are intercessors and if you are going to fulfill your prophetic commission you need to be on your face before the Lord more than just a few moments each day. You need to have your eyes open to see and ears open to hear for only then can you bring fresh manna to God's people. Let us all get some fresh determination to do the things that are needful. Like Martha you can be busy about so very much. Is it all needful or do you need to do an evaluation of the priorities in your life. Take your eyes off your own situation and put it on others. If you were to stand before the Lord tomorrow what would you rather be doing today. Spending time with Father would be your first priority and making sure all things in your heart are right. You have been given life today.
Only in living life to the fullest, in being that prophetic/intercessor God has called you to be will you find true happiness fulfilling your place in the Kingdom of God.
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30
Friday, April 29, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spiritual Bullying
Many kids in school today are being bullied on all sides to the extent that two young teenagers just took their lives over it. How very sad to think that a temporary situation is permanent and come to the point of suicide. We need to pray for today's youth and that bullying would be stopped with zero tolerance for it. It was shortly after reading this that the term "spiritual bullying" came to mind.
In grade eleven there was a girl who used to bully my friend and myself calling us names because she felt that we were richer than she was when it was far from the truth. As a result one day at the end of l966 I came home and told my Dad that night that I wanted to quit school. It was a little difficult for me having the vice principal living next door however plainly I just wanted a way out so went to see him, leaving out the part about being bullied. My Dad not yet saved said that if I wanted to quit it was fine with him as long as on Monday I found a job and started to pay room and board as he was one that believed we had to learn responsibility. Years ago I forgive this one who decided that my friend Marilyn and I needed to be picked on. Having won a typing trophy I set out and got my first job in January of "67. Am sharing all this for a reason.
One can be the brunt of spiritual bullying. Awhile ago I came under attack by someone who did not know me at all. Yet they slandered my name because of my posting a prophetic word on my site of someone in the mainline prophetic community. You see these ones had set themselves up as superior, and as judge and jury calling these others in the body false prophets. Then they added to their sin by condemning me for posting this man's word.
In essence they were judging a sister in the Lord and not the prophetic word and for a few days I stopped posting and deleted my forum. Have I forgiven this one, unequivocally, yes. It has let me see that the body of Christ is in some parts very critical and divided and needs to growing up. The sad part was the leader of their forum did nothing to bring correction. We are told not to bit and devour one another. Lord have mercy!
We need to guard against SPIRITUAL BULLYING and PRIDE. The Lord is the judge and jury and it is to Him we rise or fall. God is letting His prophets go through these tests because only Christ in us will not be shaken. Wheat and tares will grow together till the end. Daily God is strengthening His prophets for that which is ahead. In going through these things one must keep their heart in the right place and forgive.
I am sure before the Lord's return there will be many more opportunities to walk in forgiveness but it is something God will honor in His servants. smile.
3You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy;
44But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike].
46For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?
47And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles (the heathen) do that?
48You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete ]maturity of godliness in mind and character,having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect. (AMP)
Many kids in school today are being bullied on all sides to the extent that two young teenagers just took their lives over it. How very sad to think that a temporary situation is permanent and come to the point of suicide. We need to pray for today's youth and that bullying would be stopped with zero tolerance for it. It was shortly after reading this that the term "spiritual bullying" came to mind.
In grade eleven there was a girl who used to bully my friend and myself calling us names because she felt that we were richer than she was when it was far from the truth. As a result one day at the end of l966 I came home and told my Dad that night that I wanted to quit school. It was a little difficult for me having the vice principal living next door however plainly I just wanted a way out so went to see him, leaving out the part about being bullied. My Dad not yet saved said that if I wanted to quit it was fine with him as long as on Monday I found a job and started to pay room and board as he was one that believed we had to learn responsibility. Years ago I forgive this one who decided that my friend Marilyn and I needed to be picked on. Having won a typing trophy I set out and got my first job in January of "67. Am sharing all this for a reason.
One can be the brunt of spiritual bullying. Awhile ago I came under attack by someone who did not know me at all. Yet they slandered my name because of my posting a prophetic word on my site of someone in the mainline prophetic community. You see these ones had set themselves up as superior, and as judge and jury calling these others in the body false prophets. Then they added to their sin by condemning me for posting this man's word.
In essence they were judging a sister in the Lord and not the prophetic word and for a few days I stopped posting and deleted my forum. Have I forgiven this one, unequivocally, yes. It has let me see that the body of Christ is in some parts very critical and divided and needs to growing up. The sad part was the leader of their forum did nothing to bring correction. We are told not to bit and devour one another. Lord have mercy!
We need to guard against SPIRITUAL BULLYING and PRIDE. The Lord is the judge and jury and it is to Him we rise or fall. God is letting His prophets go through these tests because only Christ in us will not be shaken. Wheat and tares will grow together till the end. Daily God is strengthening His prophets for that which is ahead. In going through these things one must keep their heart in the right place and forgive.
I am sure before the Lord's return there will be many more opportunities to walk in forgiveness but it is something God will honor in His servants. smile.
3You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy;
44But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike].
46For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?
47And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles (the heathen) do that?
48You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete ]maturity of godliness in mind and character,having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect. (AMP)
Friday, April 22, 2011
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 4/22/11:
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 4/22/11:
I would have you to look through the eyes of the Spirit, and hear through spiritual ears so that you might know and discern the times and the seasons. I speak to you of a level of awareness beyond your physical senses and your natural environment. It is to your advantage that you walk and live in the Spirit, for that is where I am, says the Lord. Come and commune; you will have to leave the comfort of your natural existence, but it will be well worth your time.
Matthew 13:43 "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
I would have you to look through the eyes of the Spirit, and hear through spiritual ears so that you might know and discern the times and the seasons. I speak to you of a level of awareness beyond your physical senses and your natural environment. It is to your advantage that you walk and live in the Spirit, for that is where I am, says the Lord. Come and commune; you will have to leave the comfort of your natural existence, but it will be well worth your time.
Matthew 13:43 "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Pray For Texas
We ask Lord today that you have mercy on the state of Texas. Lord there are those that are planning a work in Possum Kingdom and now it is burning. Father we ask you to have mercy in the midst of these terrible natural disasters that are causing so much havoc. Protect your children and those that are to come to know you. Lord have mercy we ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Beauty for Ashes by Ron McGatlin
Beauty for Ashes
By Ron McGatlin
The world is entering a state of extreme and massive change. In history there have been times of all known civilization being affected by significant changes brought about mostly through wars and so called natural disasters. However, the most significant world changing events involve the incarnation of Christ Jesus and the subsequent life and world-changing works of Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit of God.
The season of change that the world is entering now is a major part of the transformational work of Christ Jesus. For the last two millennia mankind has been moving toward the goal and purpose for which Christ Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to restore the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms of our God. He came to restore all that was lost in the first Adam.
Jesus came with the message to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He came announcing the kingdom of God’s return to earth. Restoring the kingdom of heaven ruling in the earth as it is in heaven first involves the redemption and cleansing of man. The stewardship or dominion of the earth was given to mankind by God in Adam. Mankind must be fully redeemed, pure, and holy in order to accurately and fully redeem the world and all of its system to the unchallenged rule of God.
The written word of God is emitting fresh light in this emerging kingdom age. There is much more being revealed than the limited understanding in the passing church age. It was needful that the first interpretation of the kingdom be the salvation and sanctification or cleansing of people. There must be a pure and holy people on earth to bring forth into natural existence the redemption and cleansing of God to the world.
The focus is shifting from the man-focused beginning portion of the gospel to the focus on God in Christ Jesus in His kingdom on earth. The proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom is not all about man; instead, it is about God and His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It is not first about getting into heaven when we die but about bringing heaven to earth while we are alive. The more complete gospel of the kingdom of God has the potential to not only change the people of the world but to transform the entire world.
God loves the World. God so loved the WORLD that he gave His only begotten Son.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." John 3:16-21
Through becoming one Spirit with Christ (Christ abiding in us and us in Him), Jesus is bringing forth many sons on earth in whom Christ dwells to carry out the work began when Jesus was on earth in His natural body. The body of many members is now beginning to become fitly joined together to become one body with one Spirit and one mind, the Spirit and mind of Christ. Christ in His body of many members will do the same works that He did in His natural body and more to complete His work of redeeming this world to the kingdom of God.
There is condemnation involved with the coming of the light of the kingdom.
The great light of the kingdom of God is again coming forth brightly on earth in the forerunner sons of God. Forerunners are not at all elite but are of those who through brokenness and humility have experienced the consuming fire of God bringing death to their lives and the resurrection life of Christ Jesus now living where they once lived. Many will eventually follow the trail traveled by forerunners.
In the above scripture Jesus spoke of the condemnation of not believing. The light of the gospel of the kingdom is not received or welcomed by everyone. Even many who are Christians and believe the gospel of salvation may not believe the gospel of the kingdom. Therefore, they will not come to the light of the kingdom. They may remain parked beside the trail. God’s love and mercy are sufficient for them. It is my opinion that they will have according to their faith and will be in heaven as they believe. However, they may miss participating in the awesome transformation taking place in this world as the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God.
The fires of judgment are for cleansing.
There are other multitudes of people that will not come to the light of Christ Jesus and His kingdom. They hate the light and love the darkness because their deeds are evil. They will not come to the light of the kingdom because their evil will be exposed, and they choose to stay in blindness to the gospel of the kingdom.
The world will be cleansed. Those who come early to the light of the kingdom will have their evil exposed to themselves and to others. Their immediate response is brokenness and repentance. This is the cleansing of death that leads to being filled with the resurrection life of Christ.
Those who will not come to the light will suffer condemnation and must quickly turn to the light or risk being removed from the earth through the cleansing judgments of God. In this day of the Lord that is upon us, judgment comes as chastening to cleanse the sons of God unto life. However, the judgment of God coming against peoples who will not turn and who hate the light and love darkness will leave no remnant of them on earth. Thus the world is cleansed from evil either by the cleansing of redemption of the people or by cleansing of the earth by removal of the people.
All who die in the Lord will be met by the angel of the Lord and carried to their destination with the Lord. However, for those who perish that are not in the Lord, it will not be so. God is not willing that any should perish and is merciful to the end. All that can be done to save to the uttermost has and will be done. Many will come to Lord as the judgments grow in intensity.
Beyond the Ashes of Judgments
Beyond the fires of judgment, God will give beauty for ashes. When our lives are burned to ashes, and there is nothing left that could be used to build back our lives as they were, God will then bring forth the life of Christ in us, His holy people. A bride without spot or blemish, holy and pure of heart bringing forth the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. This is happening now in forerunner sons and daughters who have endured the fire of personal judgment and been cleansed through death of past life and the renewal of Christ’s Spirit permeating their spirit with His much more dominant Spirit of resurrection life.
Isa 61:3-4: To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Rev 11:15: Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
By Ron McGatlin
The world is entering a state of extreme and massive change. In history there have been times of all known civilization being affected by significant changes brought about mostly through wars and so called natural disasters. However, the most significant world changing events involve the incarnation of Christ Jesus and the subsequent life and world-changing works of Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit of God.
The season of change that the world is entering now is a major part of the transformational work of Christ Jesus. For the last two millennia mankind has been moving toward the goal and purpose for which Christ Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to restore the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms of our God. He came to restore all that was lost in the first Adam.
Jesus came with the message to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He came announcing the kingdom of God’s return to earth. Restoring the kingdom of heaven ruling in the earth as it is in heaven first involves the redemption and cleansing of man. The stewardship or dominion of the earth was given to mankind by God in Adam. Mankind must be fully redeemed, pure, and holy in order to accurately and fully redeem the world and all of its system to the unchallenged rule of God.
The written word of God is emitting fresh light in this emerging kingdom age. There is much more being revealed than the limited understanding in the passing church age. It was needful that the first interpretation of the kingdom be the salvation and sanctification or cleansing of people. There must be a pure and holy people on earth to bring forth into natural existence the redemption and cleansing of God to the world.
The focus is shifting from the man-focused beginning portion of the gospel to the focus on God in Christ Jesus in His kingdom on earth. The proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom is not all about man; instead, it is about God and His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It is not first about getting into heaven when we die but about bringing heaven to earth while we are alive. The more complete gospel of the kingdom of God has the potential to not only change the people of the world but to transform the entire world.
God loves the World. God so loved the WORLD that he gave His only begotten Son.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." John 3:16-21
Through becoming one Spirit with Christ (Christ abiding in us and us in Him), Jesus is bringing forth many sons on earth in whom Christ dwells to carry out the work began when Jesus was on earth in His natural body. The body of many members is now beginning to become fitly joined together to become one body with one Spirit and one mind, the Spirit and mind of Christ. Christ in His body of many members will do the same works that He did in His natural body and more to complete His work of redeeming this world to the kingdom of God.
There is condemnation involved with the coming of the light of the kingdom.
The great light of the kingdom of God is again coming forth brightly on earth in the forerunner sons of God. Forerunners are not at all elite but are of those who through brokenness and humility have experienced the consuming fire of God bringing death to their lives and the resurrection life of Christ Jesus now living where they once lived. Many will eventually follow the trail traveled by forerunners.
In the above scripture Jesus spoke of the condemnation of not believing. The light of the gospel of the kingdom is not received or welcomed by everyone. Even many who are Christians and believe the gospel of salvation may not believe the gospel of the kingdom. Therefore, they will not come to the light of the kingdom. They may remain parked beside the trail. God’s love and mercy are sufficient for them. It is my opinion that they will have according to their faith and will be in heaven as they believe. However, they may miss participating in the awesome transformation taking place in this world as the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God.
The fires of judgment are for cleansing.
There are other multitudes of people that will not come to the light of Christ Jesus and His kingdom. They hate the light and love the darkness because their deeds are evil. They will not come to the light of the kingdom because their evil will be exposed, and they choose to stay in blindness to the gospel of the kingdom.
The world will be cleansed. Those who come early to the light of the kingdom will have their evil exposed to themselves and to others. Their immediate response is brokenness and repentance. This is the cleansing of death that leads to being filled with the resurrection life of Christ.
Those who will not come to the light will suffer condemnation and must quickly turn to the light or risk being removed from the earth through the cleansing judgments of God. In this day of the Lord that is upon us, judgment comes as chastening to cleanse the sons of God unto life. However, the judgment of God coming against peoples who will not turn and who hate the light and love darkness will leave no remnant of them on earth. Thus the world is cleansed from evil either by the cleansing of redemption of the people or by cleansing of the earth by removal of the people.
All who die in the Lord will be met by the angel of the Lord and carried to their destination with the Lord. However, for those who perish that are not in the Lord, it will not be so. God is not willing that any should perish and is merciful to the end. All that can be done to save to the uttermost has and will be done. Many will come to Lord as the judgments grow in intensity.
Beyond the Ashes of Judgments
Beyond the fires of judgment, God will give beauty for ashes. When our lives are burned to ashes, and there is nothing left that could be used to build back our lives as they were, God will then bring forth the life of Christ in us, His holy people. A bride without spot or blemish, holy and pure of heart bringing forth the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. This is happening now in forerunner sons and daughters who have endured the fire of personal judgment and been cleansed through death of past life and the renewal of Christ’s Spirit permeating their spirit with His much more dominant Spirit of resurrection life.
Isa 61:3-4: To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.
Rev 11:15: Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!"
Keep on pursuing love. It never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Responsibilities of An Apostle by Paul Thornton
Responsibilities of An Apostle
(by Paul Thornton)
1. Most apostles do not start out as apostles. The initial characteristic of the apostolic call is first and foremost is that they are a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. Every thing they preach and teach is based upon the revealed truth in scriptures – I Timothy 2:7. Most apostles start out in other areas of ministry first and then once they are proven in that area, if the apostolic call is upon them, then God moves them into that level of ministry.
2. II Timothy 2:1-2 – Apostles train and equip faithful men who in turn train and equip others. The Apostles heart is to see people grow and function in their callings.
3. II Timothy 1:6 - An Apostle is able to activate, stir up, and release the gifting in peoples’ lives. An Apostle is able to impart the grace and anointing needed for someone to walk in his or her calling. He is able to release gifts and ministries within a believer in order to set them on course for their own ministry. An Apostle is able to impart what is lacking so the believer can rise to full maturity.
4. I Timothy 4:14 – Apostles are spiritual fathers. As fathers they birth, protect, teach, and mentor sons. An Apostle has the ability to attract sons he can reproduce himself in through apostolic impartation. An apostle is able to help people grow into their full potentials in Christ. Impartation – the ability to plant in a seed form in the spirit of others what the apostle possesses in his life, call, and ministry. With the impartation comes multiplication of the apostle’s ministry. The sons he is training are reproducing his work. He is extending himself through them. So now his ministry goes to more places and touches more lives even though he is not there himself.
5. The Apostles that we see in scripture laid the foundation of Kingdom principles that we now have. Modern day Apostles do not write scripture or expand on the scripture that is written. They build upon the foundation that has already been laid in Christ. The Apostle promotes Christ as the firm foundation for life. Apostles lay foundation in the lives of God’s people, in order to prepare them for the coming moves of God.
6. Apostles are people of character – Phillipians 3:8-10; Paul aspired to be like the Lord Jesus that he had encountered on the Damascus Road. He desired this not only for himself but for all those who were under his apostolic oversight – Galatians 4:19. He had a passion to see Christ formed and reproduced into his spiritual sons.
7. Apostles have received the grace to suffer for Christ – Acts 9:15-16; Acts 20:17- 24. Paul recognized that suffering and affliction went along with the call and he was willing so that the Word of God would multiply in the lives of others. Along with the suffering comes the wisdom and stamina to deal with it.
8. Apostles have access to revelations and the unfolding of mysteries – Galatians 1:11-12. This is how Paul received his calling and was able to write 2/3 of the New Testament. The apostles were give the revelation of the hidden mysteries concerning the believers in Christ and Christ in the believers. Apostles were able to bring understanding of O.T. Scriptures and interpret them for relevance of their
day. Ie Acts 2:14-21 – Peter took the O.T. prophecy by Joel and was able to bring understanding and revelation to that day. Apostles are able to bring insight to the Body of Christ concerning the purposes and plans of God.
9. Apostolic ministry doesn’t just affect the local church but it affects cities, regions, and nations. Paul’s ministry affected city after city. Signs and wonders followed in each city. Acts 19:8-12. Not only does the apostolic affect the people in a city or region but also the Spirits that govern that area. An apostle who is sent to a city has governmental authority in that city in the spirit over those demons there. The apostolic anointing can free up a city, region or nation from demonic strongholds.
10. Apostles bring order and government to the Church. Government is necessary to facilitate the flow of God’s power and anointing. Titus 1:5.
11. Apostles are wise master builders. They help to build strong churches. The are responsible for overseeing the building and construction of the house of God.
12. Apostles bring judgment and correction to the Church. They issue sentences and verdicts against false teaching and incorrect behavior. I Corinthians 5:1-5.
13. Apostles are bishops. To be a bishop means to oversee. Apostles oversee churches.
14. Apostles ordain and set in place qualified leadership. This includes selection and confirmation.
15. The apostolic anointing is a confrontational anointing. Apostles confront false teaching, witchcraft, immorality and anything that will keep the church from fulfilling its purpose.
(by Paul Thornton)
1. Most apostles do not start out as apostles. The initial characteristic of the apostolic call is first and foremost is that they are a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. Every thing they preach and teach is based upon the revealed truth in scriptures – I Timothy 2:7. Most apostles start out in other areas of ministry first and then once they are proven in that area, if the apostolic call is upon them, then God moves them into that level of ministry.
2. II Timothy 2:1-2 – Apostles train and equip faithful men who in turn train and equip others. The Apostles heart is to see people grow and function in their callings.
3. II Timothy 1:6 - An Apostle is able to activate, stir up, and release the gifting in peoples’ lives. An Apostle is able to impart the grace and anointing needed for someone to walk in his or her calling. He is able to release gifts and ministries within a believer in order to set them on course for their own ministry. An Apostle is able to impart what is lacking so the believer can rise to full maturity.
4. I Timothy 4:14 – Apostles are spiritual fathers. As fathers they birth, protect, teach, and mentor sons. An Apostle has the ability to attract sons he can reproduce himself in through apostolic impartation. An apostle is able to help people grow into their full potentials in Christ. Impartation – the ability to plant in a seed form in the spirit of others what the apostle possesses in his life, call, and ministry. With the impartation comes multiplication of the apostle’s ministry. The sons he is training are reproducing his work. He is extending himself through them. So now his ministry goes to more places and touches more lives even though he is not there himself.
5. The Apostles that we see in scripture laid the foundation of Kingdom principles that we now have. Modern day Apostles do not write scripture or expand on the scripture that is written. They build upon the foundation that has already been laid in Christ. The Apostle promotes Christ as the firm foundation for life. Apostles lay foundation in the lives of God’s people, in order to prepare them for the coming moves of God.
6. Apostles are people of character – Phillipians 3:8-10; Paul aspired to be like the Lord Jesus that he had encountered on the Damascus Road. He desired this not only for himself but for all those who were under his apostolic oversight – Galatians 4:19. He had a passion to see Christ formed and reproduced into his spiritual sons.
7. Apostles have received the grace to suffer for Christ – Acts 9:15-16; Acts 20:17- 24. Paul recognized that suffering and affliction went along with the call and he was willing so that the Word of God would multiply in the lives of others. Along with the suffering comes the wisdom and stamina to deal with it.
8. Apostles have access to revelations and the unfolding of mysteries – Galatians 1:11-12. This is how Paul received his calling and was able to write 2/3 of the New Testament. The apostles were give the revelation of the hidden mysteries concerning the believers in Christ and Christ in the believers. Apostles were able to bring understanding of O.T. Scriptures and interpret them for relevance of their
day. Ie Acts 2:14-21 – Peter took the O.T. prophecy by Joel and was able to bring understanding and revelation to that day. Apostles are able to bring insight to the Body of Christ concerning the purposes and plans of God.
9. Apostolic ministry doesn’t just affect the local church but it affects cities, regions, and nations. Paul’s ministry affected city after city. Signs and wonders followed in each city. Acts 19:8-12. Not only does the apostolic affect the people in a city or region but also the Spirits that govern that area. An apostle who is sent to a city has governmental authority in that city in the spirit over those demons there. The apostolic anointing can free up a city, region or nation from demonic strongholds.
10. Apostles bring order and government to the Church. Government is necessary to facilitate the flow of God’s power and anointing. Titus 1:5.
11. Apostles are wise master builders. They help to build strong churches. The are responsible for overseeing the building and construction of the house of God.
12. Apostles bring judgment and correction to the Church. They issue sentences and verdicts against false teaching and incorrect behavior. I Corinthians 5:1-5.
13. Apostles are bishops. To be a bishop means to oversee. Apostles oversee churches.
14. Apostles ordain and set in place qualified leadership. This includes selection and confirmation.
15. The apostolic anointing is a confrontational anointing. Apostles confront false teaching, witchcraft, immorality and anything that will keep the church from fulfilling its purpose.
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