Sunday, June 19, 2011

Divinely Positioned To Receive?

Divinely Positioned to Receive

Are you divinely position to receive?  Often we wonder why we are not receiving God's promises in our lives and others seem to have all the blessings.  We need to take time with Father and see if we are doing that which the Lord would have us to do.  Are we walking in obedience to His Word in accordance to God's government?  Are we doing the best of our ability to win that husband or wife to the Lord?  Submitting to one another in the fear of God. Are we loving as Jesus loved and putting the Kingdom of God before all else in our lives? Doing these things will position us where are able to receive from the Lord.  

In His Kingdom are exceeding great and precious promises and we are to appropriate them by faith, stand on them, and claim them as ours, for they were paid for in full by the blood of Jesus.  We are to walk in His fullness and out of it give to others. 

Lately I have seen much rebellion from one in the body of Christ.  Over years they have fed into this spirit and the jezebel spirit is manifesting as is the spirit of anti Christ.   They had and still do have such potential in Christ but the death of self needs to come and they need deliverance from these spirits. Sincere repentance is need in their life. The more one feeds on rebellion the more they will be taken over by the enemy.  Doors need to be shut, and repentance needs to come for this one to truly be restored to their rightful place in Christ.  You see beloved, we can toy too long with sin and sooner or later it will bite.  We cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of devils. Only in taking up our cross and following Him will we find true happiness.  

Kingdom living means being seated in Heavenly Places in Christ and by faith appropriating ALL that this means.  We cannot sit there and dangle our toes in the world and think we will receive from the Lord.  Sin only looks good for a season and so are its pleasures.  If you have come short of the glory of God, repent and He will forgive you your sin.  Decide once and for all to come out of the world and walk faithfully with Father each day.  If you repent of your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive you from your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. 

Position yourself with a listening ear to Father and let Him show you where you are at today.  Then you will be Divinely positioned to receive all that the Lord has for you.  His exceeding great and precious promises are yours by faith so reach out to Him today and receive. The Kingdom of God and His government is one of Divine order.  Let Father restructure your life today. Open your eyes and see that the Kingdom of God is within you.  32And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?  Luke 24:32

The Love Of The Father, The Love Of A Dad

The Love Of The Father, The Love Of A Dad
by Patricia Hamel

I am ever grateful to God for the love of my earthly Dad who went to be with the Lord in February 2007. He was eighty one years young and on fire for Jesus till the morning he went home. He loved the Lord and the scriptures say that there are not many fathers but he was one of them. As I came down stairs and saw his photo today I said I must write this for those that have not been as fortunate in having a Dad.

My Dad and Mom were both saved the same day and subsequently a short time later received the baptism of the Holy Ghost on the same day. They did everything together and their marriage was one that was peaceful, and loving. The month after he went home they would have been married for sixty one years.

What stands out most about Dad is that he lived by example and lived what he preached. He was a true man of God.

There is something I would like to share with you. Even though you may not have had an earthly Dad or had one that was less than perfect there is one Father in Heaven that will love you through thick and thin.

One day I arrived at my parents door for a visit and on the door being opened both my parents were standing there. I had gone through a very difficult season and when I saw my Dad I started to cry and I just ran and threw myself into his arms and Mom stood beside him. I sobbed my little heart out and my Dad just held me and kept saying its okay
its going to be all right. He was so kind and held me just like Jesus would have done. You see that day, Jesus was standing there in my Dad and truly it was Him comforting me and using my Dad to do so. I dried my eyes and in no time I was fine and Mom and Dad were so very kind.

I am sharing this to let you know that there is nothing quite like the Father's love. He will take you and love you, and comfort you when you need to be comforted. No earthly man can comfort you like the love of the Father. Jesus is standing here today and just waiting for you to come running to Him. Those of you that are hurting and in pain, come running to Him. Those of you that are brokenhearted and so disappointed come running to Him. There is nothing quite like the Fathers love. He will put a bandade on your hurts and wounds and heal you from the inside out. It will be a healing of your heart and a healing of the memories. Jesus is calling you to come to Him today and He will heal you every where you hurt.

God gave me a poem in 2000 and to prepare me for the time that my Dad would go home. I did not know then that 2007 was a year of completion and one that seven years later (also God's number) the Lord would take Him home. He was well up till the morning he died and had a few twinges in his chest. He told mom that he thought he should go to the hospital but said he would not drive and that they would take a taxi instead. He went into the bathroom to get ready and then called to out to Mom, call 911. She did and while on the phone with them he died on his knees the way he lived.

I used to tell my Daddy that I would preach his funeral and he told me that I would be too tearful to do so. smile. God gave me His grace to preach Dad's funeral and do the grave site service. We were able to lift our hands heavenward and in seeing the casket lowered to the ground worship the Lord. I knew a few there did not understand that Dad had not died but just changed addresses and gone home. He used to tell me that when he died he was not dying but only changing addresses. Thank you Jesus for the treasured memories.

Love in Jesus,

The Finishing Touch

The Master finisher reaches out
with His nail scarred hand and
applies the finishing touch,
to the now older man who has served
Him so well, and has learned to
lean on Him much.
Each final stroke He makes, very
patiently, He cuts and chisels and
strokes and polishes each little flaw.
Ever so tender is the masters touch,
He misses not one of the flaws.
He stops and looks at it lovingly
his vessel He has formed.
Patiently, carefully He puts it
Until that future morn.
When one last time,
In picking it up,
His reflection He now does see.
It's time now to bring My
vessel home, to My Fathers house
in Eternity.

Patricia Hamel (c) 2000

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Murder Trial


Casey Anthony Murder Trial

There is much on the news of late about the Casey Anthony murder trial. It is a very sad situation indeed! In a court of law one is considered innocent until proven guilty. I have not followed the case except to know about it briefly on the news. My reason for writing this is that we guard our hearts and minds.

How as believers should we respond to such situations. Should we be spending each day watching court trials on television and putting in the evils of these cases rather than thinking on things that are good, pure and lovely. Recently a believer said to me that they had followed it every day and that it was obvious the mom was guilty. They listed some of the evidence and one could hear something other than the Fathers heart even through the phone lines.

When should someone move from the position of being innocent until proven guilty. The Lord already knows the truth and unless it is revealed in intercession we will not know. There are twelve jury members assigned to deliberate this case. Yet, it seems many have tried this woman in the court of their own heart well ahead of trial being over. All of the evidence should be in and the decision not made as to innocence or guilt until the jury brings forth its verdict. They will decide her innocence or guilt. There are twelve jurors instead of one for good reason. My reason for writing this is not so much about this case but judging in general.

Do we as believers become judge and jury when someone falls from grace? Do we judge others without knowing all of the circumstances? Can we be guilty of judging by the outward appearance rather than judging righteous judgment. Man sees outwardly but God looks on the heart. Do we pray as much for the one that has fallen than time spent talking about them?

Jesus was found guilty when He was the perfect Lamb of God. l am not comparing Jesus to this court case but to how we can be guilty of judging prematurely and not judge righteous judgment. Where is the Father's love? Haman judged the Jewish people, Mordecai and Esther and set himself judge and jury lying with intent to cause the destruction of the Jewish people. In the end He was hung on the gallows for it.

Much is on television that years ago would not have been shown. As believers is watching a murder trial any different than reading a murder novel? Is this something Father wants His children putting into their spirit? Time is short and we are to redeem the time for the days are evil. Would He not rather that time was spent in prayer for those involved in these or other situations and that justice tempered with mercy be done.
Should we not be praying for situations in general, being intercessors on the Lord's behalf and truly standing in the gap. We need Father's heart. Abba Father loves all men and is wanting them to come to the knowledge of the truth. Let us be praying for the salvation of the lost and finding ourselves different than the world.

Let us keep Christ centered in our heart and not be quick to judge but quick to love. Is your heart filled with the love of the Father? Do others feel that they can come to you and share even their sin and that you will gently lead them back to Father being instrumental in their restoration? Do you keep their confidences? You see Father is wanting to restore man. Let us be part of the restoration process, be true intercessors and be willing to love as Christ loved. Christ paid a high price for all mankind, and is not willing that any perish without Him. Will you be used by Him to pray for a lost and dying world and that all men come to the knowledge of the truth. Jesus your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. Matthew 1-6 (NKJV)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Write What God Is Giving to YOU!

Write What God Is Giving To YOU!

God has given many of you literary gifts and you have the pen of a ready writer. It is time now for the scribe to write that which Father has placed in your heart by His Spirit. It is time now to take our your pen and write. The Spirit of God has deposited much in many of you and together you make a whole body. Take out your pen and write what the Spirit of God is giving you. For many it will be a fresh word in season. A new step of faith for those who have not written before, but I say to you take out your pen and write.

The ministry of the scribe is in My Word else you would not have the Word of God in written form today. Your words never have the pre-eminence over the written word but they are with grace and seasoned with salt and straight arrows that will go to the heart. Many of mine are so very gifted and yet fearful to post publically. Many of you have been put down but I say to you, rise up and write that which I have given to you. You have the pen of a ready writer so write and I shall give you more, says the Lord.

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1