Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Write What God Is Giving to YOU!

Write What God Is Giving To YOU!

God has given many of you literary gifts and you have the pen of a ready writer. It is time now for the scribe to write that which Father has placed in your heart by His Spirit. It is time now to take our your pen and write. The Spirit of God has deposited much in many of you and together you make a whole body. Take out your pen and write what the Spirit of God is giving you. For many it will be a fresh word in season. A new step of faith for those who have not written before, but I say to you take out your pen and write.

The ministry of the scribe is in My Word else you would not have the Word of God in written form today. Your words never have the pre-eminence over the written word but they are with grace and seasoned with salt and straight arrows that will go to the heart. Many of mine are so very gifted and yet fearful to post publically. Many of you have been put down but I say to you, rise up and write that which I have given to you. You have the pen of a ready writer so write and I shall give you more, says the Lord.

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1