Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spiritual Spam



Looking at my email page and seeing spam listed I wondered if the people of God sometimes send the Lord spam in their communication with Him. We need to be mindful of just what kind of prayers we are praying and not just send anything up to the throne of grace. Let us be praying unselfish, spirit led prayers that hit the target and get results, bringing the will of God from heaven to earth. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. How you pray can and should be making a difference!

14And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to and hears us. 1 John 5:14 (AMP)

Pray For Those Sent To The Nations!


Pray For Those Sent To The Nations!

There are those that travel regularly to the nations to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. They need our prayer and intercession during those times. Let us stand on guard for them, praying for the Lord to use them and protect them. There has been and always will be an onslaught against men and women of God who are willing to pay the price and lay down their lives for the brethren. Together we will thwart the plans of the enemy and see a harvest of souls brought into the Kingdom.

9For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Cor. 16:9


Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Lord of The Breakthrough! by Apostle Adrienne Williams

The Lord of The Breakthrough!

It is written, "I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together like sheep of the fold, like a flock in the midst of their pasture; they shall make a loud noise because of so many people. The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the LORD at their head." (Micah 2:12-13 NKJV).

People of God, in order for us to walk in FULL authority in the earth, we MUST understand that our way has ALREADY been made. Power, authority and dominion belongs to those whom BELIEVE as such! He has given these things unto us and now we MUST function as such.

The body of Christ awaits and has need for that which GOD has placed in YOU! Begin thanking God TODAY for HE IS our Lord of the breakthrough!

Father, we thank you for going before us to BREAK THROUGH every form of bondage and hindrance that would attempt to delay us from walking in POWER, AUTHORITY and DOMINION in the earth! We thank you that every chain, every weight AND every fetter has been broken!

We thank you for placing an anointing upon us that will SHATTER strongholds rendering us FREE and at liberty to walk in your ways! You ARE the Lord of the Breakthrough and we THANK YOU for the BREAKER'S anointing that you have given unto us!

For it is written, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." (Isaiah 10:27 KJV).

Father, we thank you that, even NOW, someone is realizing the power that you have granted them to BREAK THROUGH the situation that may even be hindering them at this very moment! We thank you for the ability that you have given us to WALK IN deliverance!

STIR UP THE GIFTS in us, Father, that we dominate in the earth for YOUR glory! We decree it so NOW and so shall it be according to thy word! In Jesus' name!

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams

Friday, August 26, 2011

Call On The Name Of The Lord!

Call On The Name Of The Lord!

One just has to turn on the television or internet to know that we are living in a time of great unrest and fear.  Man knows that the world is turning upside down and that they need an answer but are they willing to turn their lives over to Jesus?

 That is the long and the short of it for there is salvation in no other name and no other name under heaven where man can be saved.  We cannot put a bandage on the problems of this world. It seems like a can of worms that we can no longer put a lid on,and things are manifesting all over that are not God but the enemy trying to have dominion.  What do we do at times like these?  We were told to watch and pray!  As believers this is what we need to be doing, standing in the gap.  Now I know that some are getting tired of hearing this but it is something that we need to be hearing and doing.  Let us pray that He will have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the end of the earth.

Many of God's children, still spend more time on the internet, and in front of the television than they do in prayer.  Many of God's children are still busy about much but not about their fathers business.  Sadly if they do not open their eyes and ears they are going to be sadly lacking in the protection of the Word of God in the days to come.  It is time to come out of this world, repent of sin and get right with God!  Yes, many need to get their hearts right with Jesus.  It is time to call sin, just what it is and come out and be separate. 

The time of separation is here and we must call on the Lord and choose our friends wisely.  Call on the Lord now and He will answer you.  Call on the Lord now for He is the only answer to fear.  He is the only answer to your finances and He alone is the answer to your family issues.  He is the only answer for the nations of the earth who are turned upside down and sin ridden.  He is the only answer when it comes to leadership.  Plainly Jesus is the only answer to this worlds troubles and as they get greater, Jesus will become more and more to those that will believe on His name, turn their lives over to Him and serve Him.

What are you waiting for?  Why do you delay?  Come to Jesus now, without delay, repent of your sin, and once and for all decide to serve Him.  He is your answer and calling out to you today.  Come.

33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is That REALLY What God Said? by Apostle Adrienne Williams

Is That REALLY What God Said?

Mouthpieces for God, it is not always "the people" whom are trying to "muzzle" you or keep you from "speaking" on behalf of God. On the contrary, sometimes, it is GOD Himself doing "damage control" and advising us to SIT STILL and BE QUIET until we have learned to PROPERLY administer His word to cause edification to the body of Christ as opposed to causing additional damage!

Be it known that "Cry loud and spare not" DOES NOT, in any way, grant permission for us to say any old thing, in any old manner, at any given time!

God is seeking DISCIPLINED mouthpieces that are going to administer their gifts accordingly as well as continually SUBMIT those gifts to HIM that they may be governed properly in the earth AND in the body of Christ.

If God can not trust you to properly deliver a "small" word, then certainly He would not send you with a word of correction OR judgment to ANYONE until you have matured to a place to administer such without "adding" your emotions or your own "twist" into the equation. You may send your own self, but God will not until He knows that you will obey and deliver ONLY the words that HE speaks!

If God can not trust a mouthpiece to simply get up, say a scripture and SIT DOWN, as the pastor requested, but they have to try and "deliver a word" or "give a mini-sermonette" instead, then it will definitely be a while before God opens a door to more responsibility for that vessel because they have not yet mastered being faithful over a little!

This is why we observe much non-sense and error being released "in the name of the Lord" on venues such as Facebook, NING, MySpace and other social media networks as well. In many cases (but not all), these are those who have not allowed themselves to be disciplined concerning their gifts inside OR outside of a church setting so they use venues such as these to build their OWN platforms to spew out all manner of teachings and inspirations in the name of Jesus when GOD Himself may NOT have spoken such.

It is not always the devil trying to shut our mouths! But sometimes it is GOD attempting to keep us from getting our own selves in trouble!

Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams

Monday, August 1, 2011

Many Are Called...


Many Are Called...

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matt. 22:14
Interpretation of a Dream Given To Me by the Lord:

I keep hearing the scripture "many are called but few are chosen". I think the pastor represents the Lord and he is calling out individuals [those who are compassionate and weeping over the needs of human kind]. Some stepped up and chose to follow Him and then He looked to you and you stepped forward. The woman speaking may have been a distraction to you to listen to her voice in the process of walking forward and stepping into the full measure of the calling of Christ Jesus....
(interpretation by Apostle/Pastor Ruby Underwood a true friend and mentor in the Lord).

In this dream I knew Father was speaking to myself to come deeper but also there was/is a message in it to the body of Christ. For many are called, but few are chosen. 14 Matt. 22: The spirit of God is looking for those that will follow Him regardless of the cost. In the dream many were seated in the meeting but as the Lord stopped the meeting and called forward those that had tears of intercession in their eyes, there were only three myself included that has tears and came forward. Few were willing to pay the price.

Many talk about intercession, write about intercession but do NOT spend any concrete time interceding. The Father is looking for intercessors to stand in the gap, will you be one of them? Will those called die to self, and go deeper into this much needed place of intercession. It is a lonely place and one that man will not see but the Father looks upon the heart. He sees into the deep recesses and is calling deep unto deep and saying to you, will you be that one, that intercessor that will speak in the prayer chamber to the Lord on behalf of men?

Will you stand in the gap that people can be spared, and come to know Me? Will you watch, and pray and be that one to turn around events and see that judgment is lessened or averted altogether in the life of those that do not deserve His mercy and grace? God is looking at you brother, Father God is calling you sister into the place of intercession. Put aside all the distractions for they are many and enter into your place of prayer. Stay there till the calamity is past.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me: for my soul trusts in you: yes, in the shadow of your wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be over. Psalm 57:1

Be willing to pray! Do not doubt your effectiveness because the enemy tells you that you do little good and cannot pray. If you were ineffective he would not tell you this.

Come to Me with a clean heart, a pure heart, and enter into My presence with praise and true worship. I am speaking to you and many do not know My voice. I AM calling you! In this hour the Lord does NOT want you distracted with anything. He does NOT want your eyes on the titles of men but wants you to see past the outward appearance the hidden man of the heart. There is much to distract in this hour. Many things can appear as an angel of light but unless you bend your knee before Me you will not be able to discern. Rightly divide the word of truth. Learn to walk past the distractions, and hear My call. Many things may look good but discern if time spent in this way will allow you to fulfill you true calling as that intercessor God has called you to be.

The Lord is laying things on the line. He has entreated many and called but you have not responded. The warm bed at night feels good and a little slumber leaves the body of Christ open to attack. We are living in a time where intercessors must be on the wall. The Word of God needs to be prayed by the Spirit that His Kingdom may come and His will be done in the earth. Hear what the Spirit of God is saying to you today. Hear His voice for He is entreating you to come to Him. Spend time with Me and I will honour it. Spend time with Me and know Me. Hear My Still small voice for I am speaking to you, beloved come into our prayer chamber and spend time with Me. Come.

"I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30

And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him. Isaiah 59:16