Is That REALLY What God Said?
Be it known that "Cry loud and spare not" DOES NOT, in any way, grant permission for us to say any old thing, in any old manner, at any given time!
God is seeking DISCIPLINED mouthpieces that are going to administer their gifts accordingly as well as continually SUBMIT those gifts to HIM that they may be governed properly in the earth AND in the body of Christ.
If God can not trust you to properly deliver a "small" word, then certainly He would not send you with a word of correction OR judgment to ANYONE until you have matured to a place to administer such without "adding" your emotions or your own "twist" into the equation. You may send your own self, but God will not until He knows that you will obey and deliver ONLY the words that HE speaks!
If God can not trust a mouthpiece to simply get up, say a scripture and SIT DOWN, as the pastor requested, but they have to try and "deliver a word" or "give a mini-sermonette" instead, then it will definitely be a while before God opens a door to more responsibility for that vessel because they have not yet mastered being faithful over a little!
This is why we observe much non-sense and error being released "in the name of the Lord" on venues such as Facebook, NING, MySpace and other social media networks as well. In many cases (but not all), these are those who have not allowed themselves to be disciplined concerning their gifts inside OR outside of a church setting so they use venues such as these to build their OWN platforms to spew out all manner of teachings and inspirations in the name of Jesus when GOD Himself may NOT have spoken such.
It is not always the devil trying to shut our mouths! But sometimes it is GOD attempting to keep us from getting our own selves in trouble!
Grace and peace,
Apostle Adrienne Williams