through Patricia Hamel
This will be your finest hour as you arise and stand on behalf of
Israel. Yes, my people you need to arise to the occasion and stand
in the gap on her behalf. I am calling you to intercession on a
large scale. As My people were called when Haman was going to
destroy the Jews so again the Spirit of Haman has arisen and has
a plan to destroy My people.
The enemy is heating up the oven hotter and has one with that
same spirit, who is planning to anniahiliate My people. I say
to you that I have a plan that was ordained before the
foundation of the world. There is a plan of deliverance for
My people. They shall be delivered by My strong right arm.
Yes, there shall be a great battle and the signs of it are
quickly arising but I say to you that My people shall not
be destroyed but through all that is coming they shall come
to know Me their true Messiah. I Jesus am coming to avenge
all that is coming against My people. The plans of the enemy
will be thwarted. The Spirit of Haman will be brought to
nought and as haman was hung on his own gallows so the
enemy will be made to eat the dirt of the ground.
I will have the last say. This shall come to pass and my
will is going to be done on earth in Israel as it is in
heaven as you My intercessors pray, fast, and intercede
on their behalf. You move My hand to bring My word to pass.
Intercessors much lies on what you do in this hour. This
is a clarion call to the prayer closet and be on vigil for
My people the Jews and you must stand with them.
Pray that the Nations of the earth stand with them. Those
that will divide My land I will divide says the Lord. You
that think you have the upper hand you plans will fail
for I am the Lord.
You are not fighting Israel but you are fighting the Lord
God of Heaven, the Lord of Armies and I will not stand by
but in the end you shall fight with Me.
Arise and shine church. Let those that are Mine come into
your destiny for you were engrafted into the vine. I am
calling you to come and ask Me for My burden and that you
carry the burden of the Lord.
Awake from your slumber and sleep. Wake up for the day
of your redemption draws near. Hear Me as I call you to
this plan of Mine for you as intercessors are My secret
weapons of war.
Fight the battle and win and My Kingdom will be ushered
in, says the Lord.