Prophets Of God!
Prophets of God. You are unique and as individual as your name.
I have called you by My name and you will never be like another.
Do not try to be as other prophets but be the one I have called
you to be. You have your own distinct characteristics and walk
with Me. When you are confident in who you are you will be
glad to walk as the one I have called you to be. Your words are
My words and they have My fingerprint through you on each word.
Each prophet is individually mine. I take each one of you and
have broken you and molded you for My purposes. Hear the call
of the Lord on your life and do not look at another. If you try to
be like another you shall surely fail and I will not look on you with
great joy. Each one of you My prophets are My sons and daughters
who are individual and exceedingly precious. Hear the voice of
My Spirit and come up higher and hear Me, says the Lord.