Prophetic Word For America
America, America,This is a calling to repentance
America. I am calling you to repent of your sins
for they are great.Repent and turn around and I
will forgive you your sins. Though they are scarlet
they shall be as white as snow. I know your heart
and what you will do, but I give you choice America.
Come now,come quickly and repent of your sin, for
America I am knocking at the door of your heart.
Your heart is lukewarm America and some of you
are cold but I am looking within to but a few
to repent. They have stood in the gap for you
America and they have wept over your sin. They
have stood and believed Me and for these I have
held back My judgments. The cup is full America
and it is time for you to turn from your wicked-
Hollywood has destroyed many and many are in
hell because of her.Pray for Hollywood to turn
from sin and repent quickly lest I come against
her with the sword. Pray and intercede faithful
ones in America. Pray for Hollywood that there is
repentance.Pray for your leaders and stand in the
gap for them for they are found wanting. Pray for
those in authority over you for they shall soon
know the folly of their ways. Their lusts have
consumed them and they do not see neither do
they know Me. Repent America, repent for I am
speaking to you.
Cease your fornication and repent lest I come with
the sword and deal with you America. I am coming
quickly for those that are mine. It is your last
call to repent. Repent now and repent quickly.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It Is Time To Grow Up!
It Is Time To Grow Up!
The Lord is looking for those that will walk in love one toward another. One must do their best to keep the unity of the Spirit. He did not say that it would always be possible but to do our best and keep the peace. He has given you grace to walk it out for it is by grace that you were saved and with grace you will complete the journey. He has placed the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers there for the perfecting of the body of Christ. We are living in an hour when we need to grow up quickly. We are told that we all need to come into
the unity of the spirit and a knowledge of the Son of God. We need to grow up in Him and no longer be tossed to and fro but know what we believe and stand on it!
We are told to speak the truth in love and this is not easy to do but God will give you wisdom on how to speak what He wants you to speak. God is saying, it is time to grow up! He is looking to see His bride grow up tall and straight. Daily we are moving toward eternity and it is time that the bride be standing tall and about her Father's business waiting for His returning with great expectancy. Daily we need to take time to renew our mind so that we think as He thinks and have the mind of Christ. A renewed mind is a sound mind! God does not give us a spirit of fear but of
power and of love and of a sound mind. God is looking for us to deal with the issues of the heart as He shows them to us and to guard our hearts and also guard what comes out of our mouth. We need to edify one another! Let us put aside all the works of the flesh and press in to God. We are closer today than when we first
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:27
It Is Time To Grow Up!
The Lord is looking for those that will walk in love one toward another. One must do their best to keep the unity of the Spirit. He did not say that it would always be possible but to do our best and keep the peace. He has given you grace to walk it out for it is by grace that you were saved and with grace you will complete the journey. He has placed the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers there for the perfecting of the body of Christ. We are living in an hour when we need to grow up quickly. We are told that we all need to come into
the unity of the spirit and a knowledge of the Son of God. We need to grow up in Him and no longer be tossed to and fro but know what we believe and stand on it!
We are told to speak the truth in love and this is not easy to do but God will give you wisdom on how to speak what He wants you to speak. God is saying, it is time to grow up! He is looking to see His bride grow up tall and straight. Daily we are moving toward eternity and it is time that the bride be standing tall and about her Father's business waiting for His returning with great expectancy. Daily we need to take time to renew our mind so that we think as He thinks and have the mind of Christ. A renewed mind is a sound mind! God does not give us a spirit of fear but of
power and of love and of a sound mind. God is looking for us to deal with the issues of the heart as He shows them to us and to guard our hearts and also guard what comes out of our mouth. We need to edify one another! Let us put aside all the works of the flesh and press in to God. We are closer today than when we first
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:27
Seek The Kingdom Of God First, Prophet Of God
Seek The Kingdom Of God First, Prophet Of God
I am searching the hearts of My prophets and looking for those that have clean pure hearts. It is one thing to operate the gifts of the spirit and another to have the character to hold the gift that is in you. Seek to have My character and have Christ perfected in you. You will be greatly used in these last days of time when you walk as a pure vessel before Me. It is the holy that will see the Lord and I am looking for holy vessels that will walk in honor and obey Me. Seek holiness prophet of God for without holiness no man will see Me. It all flows out of your relationship to Me. It is about relationship and fellowship with Me that the gifts of God flow in their purest form. Seek the Kingdom of God first prophet of God and all else will be added to you. I am doing a transforming work in all of My prophets and there is not one that I am not doing a deep work within. They are all being tested and tried and hearts are being searched. Rejoice as you allow Me to search your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:3
Seek The Kingdom Of God First, Prophet Of God
I am searching the hearts of My prophets and looking for those that have clean pure hearts. It is one thing to operate the gifts of the spirit and another to have the character to hold the gift that is in you. Seek to have My character and have Christ perfected in you. You will be greatly used in these last days of time when you walk as a pure vessel before Me. It is the holy that will see the Lord and I am looking for holy vessels that will walk in honor and obey Me. Seek holiness prophet of God for without holiness no man will see Me. It all flows out of your relationship to Me. It is about relationship and fellowship with Me that the gifts of God flow in their purest form. Seek the Kingdom of God first prophet of God and all else will be added to you. I am doing a transforming work in all of My prophets and there is not one that I am not doing a deep work within. They are all being tested and tried and hearts are being searched. Rejoice as you allow Me to search your heart for out of it flow the issues of life.
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:3
Judge Every Prophetic Word
Judge Every Prophetic Word
There is a great deal of deception in My body and I am sharpening the discerning of spirits in those who are open to this today. You cannot go by the outward appearance. Even the prophetic word given can be a mix of new age and the Word. You you need to search the scriptures. The true prophetic word will not contain this mixture. My people err because of a lack of knowledge. Know My Word. Know the scriptures for out of it flow the issues of life. When you know My word you can judge the prophetic word accordingly. Judge each prophetic Word by the standard of My Word and through a clean heart and you will not be deceived in this hour, says the Lord.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 1 Cor. 14:29
Judge Every Prophetic Word
There is a great deal of deception in My body and I am sharpening the discerning of spirits in those who are open to this today. You cannot go by the outward appearance. Even the prophetic word given can be a mix of new age and the Word. You you need to search the scriptures. The true prophetic word will not contain this mixture. My people err because of a lack of knowledge. Know My Word. Know the scriptures for out of it flow the issues of life. When you know My word you can judge the prophetic word accordingly. Judge each prophetic Word by the standard of My Word and through a clean heart and you will not be deceived in this hour, says the Lord.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 1 Cor. 14:29
Hear The Call Of Holy Spirit
Hear The Call of Holy Spirit!
I am speaking by My Holy Spirit into your heart. Hear the voice
of My Spirit for I am calling you to come deeper into My presence!
Do not be content with a relationship that is surface but desire
the depths of My love. I will reveal myself to you as you spend
that time seeking Me. Above all else seek Me! Above all else,
hear Me!
I am speaking but Many of you are not hearing and many are hard
of hearing. I would speak to you. Open your heart to Me for you
were created to worship Me! You were created to praise My Holy
Name! Worship Me, spend time in silence before Me and hear the
still small voice of God. I am speaking to My own and not to
another. I speak to those that call Me by name and yet their
hearts are far from Me. I am knocking will you answer the call.
Hear the call of the Spirit of God and come deeper. All else
will seem mundane when You enter into the presence of your soon
coming King. All else seems futile because you need more of Me
to continue in the race. Continue to run the race and take time
in My presence. It will bring that refreshing that only My Spirit
can give you. I have spoken to you of the refreshing now come
and be refreshed. I am wooing you and My Spirit is drawing you
come and enter into the joy of your King. Be blessed of Me and
be spoken to Me as you come running into My presence. Come!
Hear The Call of Holy Spirit!
I am speaking by My Holy Spirit into your heart. Hear the voice
of My Spirit for I am calling you to come deeper into My presence!
Do not be content with a relationship that is surface but desire
the depths of My love. I will reveal myself to you as you spend
that time seeking Me. Above all else seek Me! Above all else,
hear Me!
I am speaking but Many of you are not hearing and many are hard
of hearing. I would speak to you. Open your heart to Me for you
were created to worship Me! You were created to praise My Holy
Name! Worship Me, spend time in silence before Me and hear the
still small voice of God. I am speaking to My own and not to
another. I speak to those that call Me by name and yet their
hearts are far from Me. I am knocking will you answer the call.
Hear the call of the Spirit of God and come deeper. All else
will seem mundane when You enter into the presence of your soon
coming King. All else seems futile because you need more of Me
to continue in the race. Continue to run the race and take time
in My presence. It will bring that refreshing that only My Spirit
can give you. I have spoken to you of the refreshing now come
and be refreshed. I am wooing you and My Spirit is drawing you
come and enter into the joy of your King. Be blessed of Me and
be spoken to Me as you come running into My presence. Come!
What Would You Do If....?
What Would You Do If….?
What would you do, if your name, were never on, another word or post? The name of Jesus, would be there instead and, in Him, you would boast. You see it is, about Him, and not about you, or me! It is about Jesus Christ, who died on, Calvary, paying the price, for you, and Me. Lift Him up, today, for all the world to see, for in the end, it is not about, you, or me!
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 12:32
What Would You Do If….?
What would you do, if your name, were never on, another word or post? The name of Jesus, would be there instead and, in Him, you would boast. You see it is, about Him, and not about you, or me! It is about Jesus Christ, who died on, Calvary, paying the price, for you, and Me. Lift Him up, today, for all the world to see, for in the end, it is not about, you, or me!
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 12:32
Woman Of God Rejoice!
Woman of God Rejoice!
Woman of God you are not what you used to be! Woman of God rejoice in who you are today but do not be content to stay there! I am changing you and you shall be changed from glory to glory! Rejoice this day that you are not who you used to be but that you see Jesus in yourself this day. The enemy has sought to condemn
you through others and has tried to bring discouragement into your life. Rebuke Him woman of God and hold your head high for you are not who used to be before your salvation. Thank Me for I am working in you! Thank Me for what I do daily in your life!
Rejoice for now is the day of your salvation and My glory you shall see, for you are not who you used to be. You are redeemed by My blood and a sanctifying work is being done in your life, rejoice you are not who you used to be. Be thankful, be grateful for I am working in you a far more eternal weight of glory. Get excited daughter for I am doing a great work in your life and you are not that woman you looked at in the past, you are a woman of God and a woman of faith and walking in what I have called you to today. Rejoice and walk in faith going forward in Me for you are not that woman you used to be.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6
Woman of God Rejoice!
Woman of God you are not what you used to be! Woman of God rejoice in who you are today but do not be content to stay there! I am changing you and you shall be changed from glory to glory! Rejoice this day that you are not who you used to be but that you see Jesus in yourself this day. The enemy has sought to condemn
you through others and has tried to bring discouragement into your life. Rebuke Him woman of God and hold your head high for you are not who used to be before your salvation. Thank Me for I am working in you! Thank Me for what I do daily in your life!
Rejoice for now is the day of your salvation and My glory you shall see, for you are not who you used to be. You are redeemed by My blood and a sanctifying work is being done in your life, rejoice you are not who you used to be. Be thankful, be grateful for I am working in you a far more eternal weight of glory. Get excited daughter for I am doing a great work in your life and you are not that woman you looked at in the past, you are a woman of God and a woman of faith and walking in what I have called you to today. Rejoice and walk in faith going forward in Me for you are not that woman you used to be.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6
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