Have you ever had someone come and say, "do you have a word for me". God is wanting to address this subject. There can be a danger in coming to someone and asking if they have a Word for you. God is always speaking but we need to be able to hear Him ourselves. We do not have our own personal prophets and it is a sign of immaturity in the one who is always asking for a prophetic word. When we know our God, we will know that we can come to Him and He will speak to us. First and foremost He will speak through the written Word. Have you ever had a scripture just pop off the pages and you said, Oh! that was just for me, That was a Rhema word for you from God and just as sound as one from the mouth of the prophet.
I am not saying that God will not use a prophet to speak to you and does many times in our lifetime. Those times are precious and one needs to cherish the prophetic words spoken to them over the years My heart was so excited the first time I received a prophetic Word. There are those times that you go to a meeting and just know that God has a word for you. Those times are wonderful. God very much wants to speak into our lives! There are times God will have already spoken to you and a Word from a prophet will confirm that which He has already spoken to you or it may be something God wants you to hear that you have not yet heard. His Words will edify, exhort and comfort you and they can also be used to give you fresh vision and direction. He will always confirm these Words to your heart for in the mouth of two or three witnesses is everything established.
One prophet shared that on a rare occasion the Lord had him hold back from giving a word to the person as they had not bothered to seek the Lord and read His Word. God showed him this and he was led by the Lord not to prophecy to that person. This is the exception rather than the rule. Smile.
On occasion we can run too hard after "a word" from someone and in being so desperate to receive one, (this often happens online) one can end up going to the wrong person and receive that which is not from the Lord. We need to DISCERN who is speaking so that the enemy does not make inroads into our life through the wrong person. There are those that should be speaking into your life and most often that will come out of RELATIONSHIP/ FELLOWSHIP. There are those times too that God will have you go to a meeting or bring a prophet across your path to speak to you and these times are wonderful. You may read a word online that is a Rhema Word for you. It is like God sent it just for you to read. These are special moments and we must treasure the true prophetic Word. It is however never elevated above scripture.
Some send out emails and just say to people, do you have a word for me. Yes, God does have a word for you and it is in His written Word. Let the written Word speak to you and Holy Spirit quicken it to your heart. It will be a Rhema word for this time and season. Take time to dig into the treasury of God's Word. We are all have moments in our life that we just desperately need to hear from the Lord. smile. So...let us love the prophetic word but seek Him first and His righteousness and it (the prophetic word ) will be added to you. Trust the Lord that when you are in need of hearing Him through the prophetic Word that He will send His servant your way and speak that which is needed into your life.