Kingdom Chronicles
You are one in My Kingdom that will be used to write Kingdom Chronicles. It will be written by those in My Kingdom who be risk takers for the Kingdom of God. You must be one that will take steps of faith daily. You will be given increase as you take one step and then another and another. The man who steps out in faith and acts in His timing will please the Lord. Be willing, be courageous and take steps to advance the Kingdom of God. I have given you a Kingdom mindset. Be willing to sacrifice all for the cause of My Kingdom. Be willing to eat My flesh and drink My blood with the heart of one who has a burden for those in My Kingdom. A Kingdom mindset is one who is a Kingdom player. They do all for the good and advancement of the cause of Christ. They are willing to forsake all and follow Me. I am asking many of My children to be willing to pay the price and sacrifice all and follow Me. I was willing to forsake all and follow. My disciples were willing to forsake all and follow Me. Some had to leave fathers and mothers but one needs to be willing to do so if required for the Kingdoms sake. Be willing to take up your cross and follow Me. There are those that will do great exploits and write about them for the Kingdom of God. There will be those whose tongue is the pen of a ready writer. There will be those that will write a word in season to those that are weary. There are My prophets who will prophesy a thing and it will come to pass. And My precious Apostles who are going through so much because they are willing to follow Me. They have a special place in the heart of My Father. You are My precious ones who are willing to sacrifice all and follow Me. Indeed there is a cost. Be willing to pay the price. Do not hold on to that which is temporal but use all for the sake of My Kingdom. Become a Kingdom mover and a Kingdom shaker. Have a Kingdom mindset and be transformed. Indeed a transformation is taking place in My church and many are being transformed and will become Kingdom players who are willing to work in the unity of My Spirit for the betterment of the Kingdom. Arise those of you who see the light and become a Kingdom player. Sacrifice self for the glory of God. For in giving your life for My sake you will gain eternal life. Life now in the joy of serving your Lord and life eternal for serving Me and bearing fruit one hundred fold. Life now and life forever, how can you lose. Take up your cross and follow Me.
1My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1